As the title says he blocked me him (22M) me (20F) but the weird thing about this is he still has me on snap chat and TikTok and I’m not blocked on text message either but I’m blocked on instagram he says he didn’t want to see my post anymore understandable but I feel like he could have just unfollowed me we don’t have any mutuals or anything like that he also says he doesn’t have a problem with me but he’s moving like he does……does he miss me? We broke up a month ago btw …. Any advice

  1. I did the same with my ex, blocked her everyone. He misses you probably but blocking you is the best way to forget, eventually.

  2. why do care is the important question, you wanna get back with him? if not then I don’t see why it matters

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please help !!!

I’m here asking for some real real advice.. I’m suffering from this stupid anxiety that’s killing me literally🙄🙄..…