How do feel about paying taxes?

  1. Part of me would like to have the money but a bigger part of me would rather have a functioning government, roads, public schools etc lol

  2. I don’t mind paying to support my country/community but I think it’s dumb that it’s our responsibility that we have to verify the government took the right amount.

  3. is it my favorite thing to do? no. am i an adult who understands why we do it and does it anyway? yes.

  4. I don’t mind it. I just wished it was used to help people rather than police people.

  5. I hate taxes, but like to live in the modern civil world, so they are a necessary part of life.

  6. Angry because I don’t get anything for my money (besides a cool military). I pay 6% interest on my student loan, I pay $345/month for health insurance with a $2,000 deductible. I also pay State income tax, sales tax, property tax etc…

    My State has very few social services. It’s really, really difficult to get on food stamps or anything like that. You have to prove you need it.

    Overall, I feel like a cattle that is being used to fund the elite’s political ambitions.

  7. Cost of living in a society, but I do wish certain government agencies were better stewards of tax payer funds

  8. As a general matter, fine with it. Of course I’m not thrilled about every single use of them, but that’s unavoidable. To cite the (maybe apocryphal) quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.: “Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.”

  9. They’re necessary but they could be made better, I’d rather we converted from the income tax to the consumption tax

  10. I don’t mind the payments so much as the effort it requires to figure out how much you owe.

    Tracking down how much I paid for shares I bought 25 years ago, for example. Even an accountant can’t help you with that one if you can’t find the records.

  11. I’m pretty anti-tax on principle, but I also don’t see how we could maintain an army, law enforcement, or some of the other bare minimum functions of government without it. I personally don’t believe a privatized police force would be a good alternative given how our privatized prison system is run.

    That being said, I don’t believe we need to be paying the amount we currently are. And the tax code could use major simplification. Increased transparency for government spending would be nicer, too.

  12. Same way I feel about doing dishes. I don’t like it but its part of living in a civilized society. And there are also some dishes that I really don’t like washing.

  13. I wouldn’t say I enjoy it, but I like having passable roads, public schools, libraries, public parks, garbage and recycling pickup, mail service, emergency services, accessible elections, etc.

  14. I don’t mind paying, I mind the obvious amount of inefficiency and waste such that I no longer wish to pay.

    Also some taxes really make no sense. Why would we tax a business paying employees?

  15. I think the more we pay, the less we get in proportion.

    I’m a big proponent of efficiency and our whole fiscal system is anything but.

  16. I’m for it, but our city/county seems to mismanage the money. We have too few police(crime plus wreckless driving). Our stadium needs fixing. Our public museum was at risk for losing accreditation. Our public park buildings and pools need tons of repairs yet there is no money for it. And our public schools are bad. Roads are awful. Property owners even have additional fees for snow plowing and street lights. Yet our property taxes are already high for what we get.

  17. I have no issue with the concept; I am very disappointed with the allocation

  18. In theory, I’m a firm believer in paying taxes. How my tax dollars are spent as a US citizen really pisses me off

  19. Paying the right amount of taxes is our patriotic duty, where “right” means honest and legal, including honest and legal deductions and credits.

    I’m glad I live in a state that seems to be returning reasonable value for its tax dollars, in terms of schools, healthcare, and public safety. It’s not perfect, but neither are private businesses.

  20. I’m not opposed to taxation. I just think how the government uses it is inefficient

  21. No one likes paying for stuff, we just like having the stuff, but taxes should be higher and particularly on higher earners. Realistically your taxes paid help support the economy that pays your wages. There’s no magic realm where taxes go away and your income stays the same.

  22. When people online rage against Boomers, I can think of few better examples of the type of thinking they’re complaining about than the “everyone hates paying taxes” trope. One of the biggest cultural/political divides in our country at the moment is some folks feeling out upon and as if they don’t owe anything to the country they call home.

    Our government sucks. We need to fix that. Our government does lots of awful stuff. We need to fix that. But taxes are necessary to make a government function.

    Fuck people who don’t want to pay taxes. It’s just a polite way of saying they care about no one but themselves.

  23. I don’t mind. I like having schools, fire departments, paved roads, libraries, and all the other public services that keep society functioning.

  24. Honestly, I chose to buy a home in not the cheapest property tax area, but not the most expensive either. Most property taxes go to schools and I have no kids. Of course good kids make a better neighborhood even if I don’t have any. I get that, but it’s like I have kids who will gain from that.

    My little street had some issues with the pavement in front of my home. Sent pics to the city and told them people drive into oncoming traffic to avoid the shitty right side. They repaved that two weeks later. I’m fine with my taxes.

  25. Well, we have to have schools, roads, bridges and so forth so I guess taxes do the things we need done.

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