What did u realise about ur ex when the rose coloured glasses wore off?

  1. 1.That he was a misogynist and bodyshamer. But not around me or about me but was to other people and around his friendgroup. I had alot of body issues back then and always wondered when he shamed other people for not going to the gym just bevause now he was a gymbro. As ridiculous as thinking if he would find me attractive if i reached my goal of gaining weight.

    2.His unhealthy household was changing him despite my support and i was always scared of his brother because of how he was verbally abusive as told by himself.

    3.He shitted on girls by liking memes about how they are cringe twerking for likes yet months later he kept following private accounts of OF women right when our rs was going down the road and he wasn’t doing a thing about it because he was depressed but what he never told me was that his family wouldn’t agree with us getting together officially. This too after a year of our highschool relationship:)

    4.He was horny and desperate from the end of our relationship that he kept liking proactive photos right when we brokeup

    5.He hid our relationship from some of his friends because they were not it,meaning they were shitty incels. i then realised why was he even hanging out with them then. Now i run from men who have questionable friend groups.

    6.he didn’t have the guts to stand up for love.

  2. He wasn’t interested in a relationship, had problems with alcohol, and had the emotional maturity of a rock.

  3. I wasn’t that into him. He didn’t do anything for me and he deserves way better. He needs to be someone’s catch because he was a great dude and I wish him well. This man was kind, attentive, and a good listener and always had a mindset of personal growth and learning. He was a great dude personable and outgoing. He wasn’t physically appealing to me at all (severe underbite that made him look like Jay Leno) and as much as I fought myself because I SHOULD want to date this person he showers me in gifts praise and plans dates. I couldn’t turn the key into attraction I felt obligated because he was so nice and good to me and having been with toxic dudes it was refreshing to be treated with kindness and respect. But the attraction wasn’t there and he deserves to be with someone who likes him for him and everything he has to offer. And it wasn’t me.

    And I realized I wasn’t when I got more excited about a text from an old flame that fizzled out. Than his text and I knew I shouldn’t be with him and it’s best to cut ties. I wish it could have been different or if physical attraction didn’t matter to me. But I am only human.

  4. That he was looking for someone to take on the domestic and emotional labor of coddling him, catering to his insecurities, and to take care of his family. He wanted his role to be a breadwinner and to show up for his kids and couldn’t do it on his own. If he had been willing to put in the domestic labor for HIS kids I could have seen myself stepping into his family but he didn’t intend on putting in the work on his end. His current partner seems to make him happy but I see the same arrangement and I see the glow that surrounded her starting to dim and she seems drained from projecting the illusion of perfection. It’s like watching a real life Stepford Wives performance but more gut wrenching.

  5. How selfish and emotionally immature he is. That even though he lead me to believe he was all in with our relationship he always had one foot out the door. I was a convenient supportive wonderful partner to him, he kept that around while starting his next relationship. Immediately discarding me as soon as he could monkey branch to her.

  6. That he’s a bit of an insufferable asshole who complains all the time.

  7. He was always a lying, cheating, thieving, manipulative, abusive piece of shit. I’m glad he got his orbital socked shattered.

  8. he wanted someone to take care of him and any issues i had were not valid. he manipulated me to think wanting to be loved was a bad thing.

  9. That I was really never a priority for him. That anything that he could prioritize over me, he did.

  10. 23M here. I just realized we were both good people, but horrible for each other. We were partners on the ambulance, and essentially trauma bonded. After about a month we both realized that we had absolutely nothing in common aside from our job and are sexual desires. We both knew we shouldn’t be together, but kept it going because we didn’t want it to end. We really enjoyed our time together and wanted to reap the positives of the relationship without accepting the negatives that ultimately outweighed the positives. It finally came to a breaking point and it ended with lots of tears on both ends. Sometimes remaining friends really is the best choice, even if you really love them.

  11. That I was the only one putting any effort into the relationship and that my feelings were always minimized and disregarded.

  12. That he was a mama’s boy, and I could never measure up to his sister. Who I think they both had a weird relationship with.

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