As a man, how do you compliment another man?

  1. I compliment people based on the skill they have to complete a task of some kind

  2. Straightforward, on things they’ve accomplished/control themselves, without sarcasm. Unless I’m friends with them, then it’s riddled with sarcasm. And farts. Good times had by all.

  3. Nice cock bro, really good form, premium girth, good length, may suck it? No homo obviously.

  4. I work with a guy in a foundry and he always ALWAYS smells good, no matter that we’re slaving over a 2300 degree furnace and sweating buckets. I always tell him he smells good. Nothing wrong with it.

  5. “Looking good today, bro. Want me to rub oil all over your naked body?”

  6. Absolutely! When a guy I know looks good, I call him a stud. Men will feel good dressing nice or sprucing themselves up, but a compliment is like a cherry on top. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s not like I’m stroking his crotch and whispering sweet nothings in his ear or something…

  7. With coworkers/acquaintances I just say good job keep it going

    With family/friends you know sarcasm,condescension and plain old bullying

  8. I usually try to make it as uncomfortably sexual as possible to establish dominance.

  9. Hey man, it’s about time you did something with that pile of shit on top of your head. Works for you.

  10. If it’s warranted compliment Character, Ethics, Morals, Resolve or an Outcome that features them.

  11. I just compliment them.. I’ve noticed that other people will laugh or think it’s gay.. but I don’t really care enough to feel some type of way. I’m straight and comfortable with my sexuality… other people seem to have prob with it.

  12. I give two very different genres of compliments to other men. I give very gay ones and the other types is more friendly.

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