Sure, you can try. But sometimes, even if you do everything right, change your behaviors and thoughts and actions for the better, you will not see the results you want.

Does that mean you should just give up?

Yes and no. You should give up attaching yourself to the outcome. But keep working on yourself, your mental talk. Keep working on actions that will help your personal and social life, even if little by little. External validation is short-lived.

Practice social skills without being too attached to the outcome. If it doesn’t go the way you want, try to experiment to see what you can do differently. But do not do it to change people’s opinions of you.

  1. > You should give up attaching yourself to the outcome.

    Translation: results don’t matter.

    This is absolute _horseshit_.

    > But keep working on yourself, your mental talk. Keep working on actions that will help your personal and social life, even if little by little.

    Translation: keep running on the treadmill until you’re exhausted – and forget about the fact that we’ll kill you for your pocket change as soon as you drop.

    > If it doesn’t go the way you want, try to experiment to see what you can do differently.

    It doesn’t matter _what_ you do – people will fight to resist you no matter what. Doing things differently only forces them to use different tactics to fight against you – but they’ll _always_ fight against you, because the entire point of social skills is to do so.

    > But do not do it to change people’s opinions of you.

    What other fucking reason is there to do it? The revolver of people’s willingness to starve you to death is against your forehead – and you’re _not_ going to try to change their minds? Say goodbye to your brains.

  2. We can do everything in our life if we just smiled and understood that we are all trying our best to catch the dream and after dream there nothing more to do you want enjoy then try the hard work to go viral with your dreams

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