Honestly I’m used to getting my feed blown up every time I post a selfie and getting absolutely obliterated by some fuckers dm’ing me so I’m curious, what are some assumptions made about you that get under your skin?

  1. I don’t care what you call me, as long as you call.

    That’s always been my philosophy.

  2. When people assuming I’m being aggressive when all I’m being is loud and excited.

    When people think I’m slow or dumb because of how I speak or the job I do.

    And when anyone acts as if I’m being racist/sexist/whatever, without talking to me at any length or knowing me at all.

  3. I’m legally blind, I have less than 5% vision left. I use the vision I have left and I use a seeing eye cane 🦯 because I’ve lost more than 95% of my vision.
    I can’t tell you how many people assume I’m faking being blind. In fact one guy followed me home and I didn’t even know. Once I was in my house he tried to break in and my camera caught home threatening to kill me because he thought I was faking.
    Makes me want to stay home.

    Assuming is BS . Ask questions-get facts

  4. I look like a total conservative redneck. Turns out I’m a Bernie Sanders fan.

  5. Some people think I’m a piece of shit cuz I said I don’t agree with someone’s lifestyle. I still respect those people. I just disagree, that’s it. If they think I’d disrespect someone I disagree with, they’re projecting.

  6. When people assume I haven’t been particating in a conversation because I haven’t been contributing.

    If they would stop talking for a moment I would speak.

  7. That I’m a prick. For the most part I grew up and grew as a person outside of the sphere of a lot of social norms where the people around you would sort of stop you at a certain personal growth milestone. Or something like that. It’s hard to really put into words without sounding arrogant. It just feels like more was expected of me, while everyone else doesn’t have to do all that sort of stuff. All I know is that I’m at a healthy point and I’d think things would be different.

    That because I don’t qualify a lot of what I say, or just say things in a way people want. That I’m the worst sort of person. Like my actions and intent doesn’t matter, it’s all about the song and dance. This comment being a big example, a lot of people just cannot really tell the sort of emotional intent behind it all. Just saying that if people took the time to read what I say online in a neutral tone, things would be a lot easier.

    That I’m not sincerely into something because I don’t enjoy or show my interest in the typical way. For the most part I get into a lot of stuff on my own, so I don’t go all out right away to save myself from being hurt/burned/etc. It feels sort of like a blunder to say all of this, like you cannot hit a wall with enjoying something on your own and need to interact with other fans in a healthy way to advance past that point.

  8. I’ll always be the perpetrator, I’m on the larger side. 6’1 290 lbs with a stalkiier frame and with resting angry face, thanks to the tism touch. So anytime anything pops off and you need someone to point fingers at. It’s gonna be me, even if I was the victim

  9. I have a birth defect called Spina bifida and I use a wheelchair. When talking to me some people raise their voice & I can only assume they think that since my legs don’t work that I’m hard of hearing too

  10. Airport security always stops me, I guess I just look like a drug mule or something

  11. A lot of people are surprised I’m single and that for the most part I don’t date.

    When I meet a new woman through work or whatever they give me the usual questions. Are you married, single, do you have kids and so on. All no. I guess I’m attractive or attractive enough that they just don’t get it. Frankly, I don’t like dating. Most of it confuses me or feels incredibly manipulative. Anyway this used to feel flattering but now it irritates me.

  12. I am close to American societies high male beauty standards. 6”1, muscular, clear skin, a gentleman but sigma demeanor, great smile. So people always think I have women falling over me, 100s of friends, and happy.

    Truth is. Every night I go to bed having talked to maybe 4 people. Haven’t had sex in months. And have no friends or money.

  13. The fact that people automatically assume that have a superiority complex or I am weak because I am a very reserved person and only speak when spoken too and if there is a a reason to.

  14. When i tell somebody that i have mental problems they always act like i belong to the asylum. They don’t talk to me, don’t look at me as if i didn’t exist.
    Apparently you become a serial killer and maniac if you have ocd.

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