when it comes to men i try not to express my feelings too much or show too much interest because they always take advantage of that or make it seem like you’re “wrapped around their finger” Long story short it just happened again and i’m just sad to say that i think i’m done with men for a while. It almost makes me want to cry because people make me feel like my standards are too high because i expect to receive something as simple as respect or just decency and i refuse to change that. But sometimes i also wonder if it hinders me from having a real relationship. Idk.

  1. When you date, are you looking to complete your life with a man or are you looking to coexist with a man? Nothing wrong with taking time to yourself; you’re no less valuable as a person if you don’t have a boyfriend. If someone thinks your standards are too high re: basic respect, they’re not the right person for you and that’s okay.

  2. Dating takes patience with a lot of trial and error. Don’t lose hope. Nothing wrong with a break!

  3. I’m sorry. I feel this myself right now. Just on the other side. Your standards aren’t too high and you deserve respect. We just have to wait longer. Nothing worth getting was ever easy.

  4. >express my feelings too much or show too much interest

    Lmao, so you act like you don’t care and aren’t interested about the guy, and are surprised when you get dumped.

  5. I feel this way about women too, I think it’s a human condition thing and not so gender specific.

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