Or if you have, any advice?

I’m telling my new partner today and I’m a bit scared. We haven’t done anything yet. I’m not 100% sure how to phrase it. Does anyone have any pointers or perhaps, if you’ve disclosed many times, a template?

Edit: I told them and it went well. I included the following:

* how I got it

* how long I’ve had it

* how I manage it (medication, what my outbreaks are like, how many I’ve had)

* what tests I’ve had

* a link to an informative web page

1 comment
  1. I’ve disclosed a few times since being diagnosed almost a year ago. It usually goes something like this:
    Hey I have something important to tell you, if I am to continue this and further our relationship. About a year ago I had a partner who I trusted and I got herpes from them. They had never been tested before and when I found out I let them know and pushed them to get tested. Although it was a very painful and difficult experience, I’m very thankful for it because I’m now much more careful about my sexual health and I prefer my partners to get tested before we sleep together so that I feel comfortable, safe, and everything is transparent and on the table. This is something that can’t be cured, however since I am educated about it now and aware I have it and I have preventative/ treatment medication, I can do my best to prevent spread to others that I am sexually active with. When I am stressed or my immune system is down, I am more likely to have an outbreak and when I do it just feels like I have a paper cut down there and some stinging or tingling. When that happens, I abstain and take my medication until it gets better. Then it’s safe to have sex again without spreading it. Let me know if you have any more questions about it, but I do prefer to see your std and sti results before we sleep together.

    I have only gotten positive responses with disclosure and my current boyfriend accepted me and also got tested before we slept together. I hope this helps! 🙂 and good luck disclosing, I know its nerve wrecking but you’ll feel so much better afterwards.

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