Heyo, my social anxiety has gotten way better over the years, ive gotten more confident aswell. So i went out one night to a party in my college. I was a little tipsy, but nothing more. My friend came along but he doesn’t speak much, even when I’m alone with him. So i took the over the task of socializing. Party was small. Little circles of seemingly random ppl formed. I tried to ease in but nobody seemed interested to “adopt us”. Some guys later partied with us but left early. So we were again left with nobody. Few months later, we did an educational trip. This time my friend wasnt in my group. Again i tried talking to ppl, one guy sorta chatted with me, otherwise no interests from the others. We had to introduce ourselves on the first day and say where we were from. Nobody said a word abt where i am from (thats not whats unusual) but on the last day that one girl ive never interacted with before came up to me and asked if i was driving home and could take her along, since she lives nearby. I agreed and we even had good talk in the 3hrs drive, even joked around etc. And now today, i was at a local festival alone. Once again nobody even looked my direction, just like in college classes or in the cafeteria.
One day the room we were in was blocked, so i followed some girls and a dude from my class (i recognized them by looks). And when i asked a question the girls completely ignored me, the guy atleast tried.
I just dont understand why, i know I’m not ugly, sure I’m a bit lanky but also work out, i take hygene seriously, i shave off my beard every day, style my hair, wear deodorant and perfume, clean/modern clothes, i probably dont look overly confident, but also not like a total loser.

I just dont understand it, maybe its cuz im a guy and people are generally more cautious around guys (wich i can verymuch understand). Especially girls show 0 interest in me as far as i can tell. Its also not like I’m rude or bragging or loud or anything. Im always there for my friends, in calm, im nice (not in a nice guy way).

Im aware not everyone can like me, im aware nobody owes me anything.
But im just wondering whats wrong with me, whats putting people off from interacting with me?

1 comment
  1. Sorry that that all happened to you. I think it’s pretty impossible to say why it’s happening without seeing the interactions. But I never underestimate how many people can be a******s.

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