I’m a bigger guy and have trouble keeping my pants up. I pull them up to around my belly button and my balls feel crushed plus they slide right back down as soon as I walk around. I try bigger jeans and they are super baggy and don’t look good. Any tips?

  1. If it’s gotten to the point where a belt doesn’t work, then you’re at that terrible “do I buy suspenders or do I go to the gym” junction.

  2. My son had a weight problem and was in the same boat as you trying to keep his paints up. I finally talked him into using suspenders, that was years ago, he has been using them ever since

  3. I had to wear suspenders. I lost 60 lbs just because I hated the suspenders look so much.

  4. When you’ve got that kinda body shape you gotta either get some suspenders or wear them low, slung around your hips under the gut rather than the normal “waist” . And no, most pants aren’t actually cut for that and it’s difficult to find ones that are. so it does look a bit shit. Looks better than them falling around your ankles because the nominal waist is your widest point and it’s all freefall from there, though.

  5. Size 38 are too tight, but 40s slide down. So, I buy 40s and wear a belt. They still slide, but it’s much less than without the belt.

  6. Try a specially shop like a levis store. They have heaps of different cuts. Finding the 541s actually fit my waist without sticking on thighs was such a relief.

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