Hello everyone, my husband has been deployed for some time now and it has been hard for both of us. This is our first deployment and it has been difficult to get use to. Yesterday when I was speaking to him, out of the blue he mentions that we should try swinging while he is away. I was very surprised that he said this and not sure how to react. Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this situation?

  1. He probably is doing it already. Doesn’t sound like he wants your opinion on that matter. But, he wants you to get onboard and be okay with it.

    There’s no piece of advice we could give unless we know what you want!

  2. I’m a little confused by his wording… swinging is what y’all would do together. It sounds like he wants an open marriage situation. You don’t go swinging on your own in a marriage… that’s cheating. I’d have a firm discussion about this with him and if you’re comfortable with it or not.

    Don’t push yourself to be okay with it just to make him happy either- this will only turn into resentment down the line.

  3. Could you please elaborate on what exactly does “swinging” means for your husband?

    He’s on a military base how is he supposed to swing?

  4. That’s not swinging, that’s an open marriage. Or he’s already cheating on you and is looking for permission after the fact

  5. Swinging is something you do together.

    He is talking about an open marriage.

    Ask him to spell it out for you. What exactly is he imagining?

  6. As long as you are communicating with each other and keeping things open and honest with your husband then it should be okay – it typically goes south when things are kept secret. Just make sure your husband is understanding of the potential impacts – because this could affect your emotions toward him both mentally and physically.

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