So I was in college and I managed to get a date on campus with someone from a class where I would do lots of funny shit to make the class less boring for them. I told them that they were quirky and at this point they definitely knew I liked them. So we agree to meet at Starbucks and we each get a drink and sit down. This is where all the weird stuff starts. I start talking about casual things like cool game releases and stuff to get the ball rolling and they are just… smiling at me. I ask something and they don’t respond. I ask them to talk about whatever they want, and again nothing. Then all of the sudden her two best friends show up (wtf is happening) and I am getting introduced to them. Then I get dragged with them over to their dorm, get introduced to more friends, and they all sit down on the couch and floor watching some streamer playing Smash Bros.

At that point I wanted to make a joke about her taking me to her dorm and playing ‘Smash’, but there was too much bullshit to think about. The fact that her friends are here so my joke would be awkward asf. The fact that we could literally be doing anything right now and instead we are watching some random loser play. The fact the date has been completely taken over and destroyed without any warning to me. All of these people felt like collectibles for her, and I sure as shit wasn’t gonna be one of them.

So I say I’m gonna leave, she looks at me confused and says alright. I go outside, look back to see she didn’t even chase me. I feel frustrated and sad, wondering what on Earth just happened.

Then for Valentines she runs away with the chocolate I gave her and ignores me on the phone. I just want you to know that there is zero communication. As you can guess I cut it off eventually because by then she was making me feel like a stalker.

I don’t even know what you could learn from this XD

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