Sometimes I wish I had a more addictive personality. Hear me out! I’m a bit jealous of my friends who have the ability to choose a hobby and then stick with it.

I have this friend who started cycling regularly 3 years ago. We both like to cycle, but he could do it every day. He just loves cycling and for him it’s the best. The same is with hiking, he just loves hiking and he just loves to work really hard. Really gets into everything he does.

I however have the issue that my hobbies keep changing or they all are there at the same time – I learn a language, play video games, cycle, work on computers, networks, etc., am into cars.

Have you had a similar challenge, how did you focus yourself? Am I just overthinking?

  1. For me, I need to completely isolate myself from all other sources of distraction if I need to accomplish a task. Whether it be leaving my phone at home to go for a jog, or putting noise canceling headphones to read a chapter.

  2. Who says you have to get good at any of them? If you’re having fun jumping between hobbies, then go for it. The goal of everything we do doesn’t have to be the best at it. Enjoy tinkering with a bunch of different things. If you find one that you enjoy enough to commit to it; great! But if that doesn’t happen, don’t stress yourself out over it, just keep having fun trying new things.

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