This is my first relationship, I (15M) have been with my GF (15F) for upcoming 8 months on the 5th. I have feel the time has come, I just don’t fulfil her needs and wants and we always just end up arguing. I am typing this with tears and I don’t know what to do.
She is the sweetest most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and she is the cutest thing, but I think it’s time. We are both young and have all of high school to get through and I’ve just realised there’s no way.

We have always talked about marrying each other and my parents love her so much and I love her family and her little Brother loves me to death too she has given me so many gifts and everything and I can not imagine the pain I would have packing all of them up, we’ve been having problems for two months now and I realised it’s just now gonna get any better.

To see her face while I give her stuff in a box back to her, we will still see each chother in school but I just cannot think about it. I am a good looking guy and have pretty much dropped all of my friends except for one real one. I have no one.

I’m not asking you guys for help but I’m just wondering how to go about this, I still love her but we just in the end weren’t perfect for eachother
TD:LR – in the intro

  1. Have you considered approaching it by asking to take a break so you can take some time to think?

    There’s no need to rush anything, and there’s no benefit in acting while you’re in this state of mind. Take a break and come back to look at the relationship with a clear head in a couple weeks.

  2. You say you have a feeling, so you haven’t talked to her about it yet. That’s very important, you need to talk about these things with her in person and see what she thinks. You may be able to sit down and come up with a list of specific things that need worked on.

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