I 24f met this M25 on yubo and he approached me.We started talking, exchanged our ig accounts and phone numbers. We started kicking off…He is bad at communicating.I felt like I was the only one forcing convos but prior to that he asked me out on a date. When I saw that he was becoming uninterested I just flat out told him.I don’t see this going anywhere like why waste time to meet someone when he is already acting like this.He just ranted off saying I was busy at work and I was looking forward to this but if that’s what you decided then it’s fine.My Dumb Ass went ahead and posted a photo for him saying hey I had a change of heart let’s go on with that date.idk why the f I did that but he finally agreed saying aight let’s do it. Later on he sent me a text saying “You catch feelings quick”.I saw that as degrading and said to hell with you.it’s only been a week and i dnt know why I feel so attached already. Idk what’s happening! he def sees me as a creep now
We had like two arguments so far and we aint a thing🤣 We blocked each other but cnt get him out of my mind and the time that went into that.

What did I do wrong?

  1. So, let me get this straight..

    You told him to get lost because you didnt see it going anywhere

    You sent him a photo saying you had a change of heart

    He sent you a message saying you catch feelings quick

    You got offended

    You told him to get lost again

    You realize YOU DO in fact catch feelings quickly

    And you are now asking why??

    How about trying to stick to a decision? and maybe not getting offended for words that were in fact facts.

    I would have move on from you as well, it’s not worth the heartache when the other person is so indecisive.

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