This is a follow up on an earlier post that i(M29) made about a girl that i dated for around a month. It seems that i really fell for her but when the subject of faith was brought up by her, i told her that i was having serious doubts about religion and she was kinda religious. After a week of back and forth, we decided to go our separate ways.

I found out yesterday from a mutual friend that she is with someone else now and although it is helping me move on now, i feel extremely guilty to have gone cannonball and telling her that i was pretty much an atheist at that time and ruining what i thought was a good thing.

I don’t really know how to navigate this feeling of guilt and I can’t help but think that this is not necessarily for the best and that i have missed out on a beautiful and smart girl.

Any thoughts or advice from someone who may have walked in my shoes or someone who knows about this subject would be welcome. Also keep in mind that this is my second relationship in all my life so i am not really an expert on relationships.

1 comment
  1. As an atheist, former Christian, the Bible is absolutely right when it says “don’t be unequally yoked”. It’s really good advice and It works both ways. It’s never going to work with you as an atheist and she as a Christian if she’s serious about it. Good for you for being honest about who you are. There are still a lot of people in my life who don’t and won’t know I’m an atheist

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