When should you stop pursuing a girl?

  1. When she applies for an injunction order to stop you coming within 5 miles of her.

  2. When she straight up tells you she is not interested or not ready for a relationship.

  3. * If she’s already with someone else
    * If she’s obviously not interested
    * Whenever she says ‘NO’

  4. When she makes it clear (/you can easily infer that) she’s not interested or is no longer reciprocating efforts.

  5. If you spend a considerable amount time pursuing that’s probably because she’s really really not interested

  6. If you spend a considerable amount time pursuing that’s probably because she’s really really not interested

  7. When she says no. That’s it. Don’t ever “chase after” a woman. It’s creepy and lame

  8. Lack of enthusiasm in the interaction. Instant turn off, and as instant moving on moment in my head.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind at all the chasing dance, it’s how seduction work, but if it feels like it’s just me carrying the whole thing, I’d rather be doing something actually worth my time.

    That include doing nothing btw.

  9. 1. When she isn’t interested.

    2. When she turns you down.

    3. If you have to ask yourself this question OP.

  10. Umm….when you ask her out and she says, “No.”

    There’s no “pursuit”. You ask people out. If they like you back, they say “yes” and you take it from there. If they don’t like you, they say, “No, thank you.” and you go talk to another of the 3.5B women on the face of the planet.

  11. When she just laughs you off when you approach her with the idea of going any further with you.

  12. When she says “NO”.

    Come on, if you want others to respect you… RESPECT YOURSELF FIRST.

  13. Immediately.

    Make your interest known, and walk away. If she doesn’t pick up what you’re putting down, move on.

  14. Any woman who is not interested is not worth pursuing. No one wants to play the game of being hard to get. Expecially not guys who are just trying to find someone to live, instead of proving their worth to someone who’s already rejected them.

  15. If she isn’t obviously enthusiastically responsive, move on. Never chase a woman. If you chase, the best case scenario is that you don’t get her. The worst thing that can happen is that you actually do get her. Dating a woman who isn’t really into you always leads to her mistreating you. She will treat you like shit, exploit you, use you and eventually leave you.

    You only want a woman who wants you more than you want her. Only a woman like that can make your life better for having her in it. The other type will always make your life worse than it would be alone.

  16. A lot of answers on here are referring to asking her out, and her saying no. I’d say it often shouldn’t even get that far. In the most casual, non-threatening conversation, you should be able to tell if she is at all interested. If she doesn’t seem extremely interested, then you need to back off, leave her alone, and respect her wishes. She obviously doesn’t want the attention, so proceeding to the asking out stage is a definite no-no.

  17. After she rejects you.

    There’s plenty of fish in the sea, don’t obsess over one girl.

  18. Mark Manson has a great article – if it’s not a FUCK YES, it’s a no.

    Basically if she’s not actively excited to be with you, you shouldn’t be going after her.

    Of course we all slip up every now and then, but that’s the general rule of thumb I strive for.

  19. Talking about dms or texting…if her responses are to short I generally try one more time then I give up. If she cancels a date at the last minute that’s another one. If she doesn’t respond a message at all, that’s a no for me. If she’s into another person another no.

  20. You: when are you free? I’d like to take you out

    Her: I’ll let you know

    ~she doesn’t let you know or she doesn’t even propose an alternative date.

    If this happens more than twice you really need to find other women to pursue.

  21. You should never pursue a woman. You should extend an invitation for her to enter your life. If she declines that invitation, you walk away.

  22. When she tries to act like she’s an celebrity, playing hard to get

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