Do you always eat chicken wings with your hands? Is it borderline illegal to use a knife and fork?

  1. …I mean you can eat chicken wings any way you want but if I see you doing it (or trying to) with a knife and fork I’m going to question your sanity.

  2. It’s weird to eat them with utensils. I imagine the people who do that are serial killers.

  3. If you eat a traditional chicken wing with silverware, you will be judged. I have never in my life seen that, nor do I want to.

  4. If I saw someone eating chicken wings with a knife and fork I’d call the police.

  5. Not illegal, just really fucking weird and may have people giving them the side eye.

  6. It’s entirely normal to eat old fashioned fried wing cuts with knife and fork. I’m talking about the whole thing- drumette, flap, flapper. Of course, it isn’t normal for me, cause I’m always calling dibs on a thigh.

    But if it’s buffalo style then yeah you have a stick up your ass or are trying to prove a point or something.

  7. I’m not sure how exactly one would be able to adequately pick all the chicken off the bone using utensils.

  8. Eating a wing with a knife and fork would be equivilant to eating soup with a butter knife.

  9. Eat them how you need to. I just don’t see how you pull it off.

    Wings are hard enough work as it is, unless you have your technique down.

    Knife and fork? You’re just making a rod for your own back.

  10. I knew I new person who did that and the whole group teased her about it lol.

    Also you leave a lot of meat on the bones doing that.

  11. It’s weird for sure, but not illegal. If you want to eat sauce covered fried chicken without your hands, most people get “boneless” wings which are just chicken nuggets. Also quick aside that pisses me off, wings are so small these days that it’s next to impossible to eat with a fork and knife, they’re more bone than meat

  12. I don’t even know how that’s physically possible

    But it spoils the most fun thing about eating wings apart from the taste. I love the primal feeling it gives me to just gnaw meat right off the bone. It’s like I’m getting in touch with my inner caveman

  13. It isn’t illegal but you will get looked at like you’re a psycho if you try to eat chicken wings with a fork. They are finger food.

  14. It can be difficult to accomplish. My wife does it because she hates eating things with bones but it ends up making a bigger mess than just eating it like a normal human.

  15. It’s not borderline illegal, but it’s borderline idiotic. Some food configurations don’t lend themselves to a knife and fork, and chicken wings are at the top of that list.

  16. I mean, I get it, I identified Buffalo wings as probably the most anti-German food out there. It’s spicy, you’re supposed to eat it with your hands, they’re covered in sauce that’s guaranteed to get on your hands, and they’ve got bones in them.

    But yeah, they’re designed as finger food.

  17. If you can effectively eat a chicken wing with a knife and fork I commend you, but more than likely you are leaving meat on the bone.

  18. I’ve never seen *anyone* eat chicken wings with anything but their hands in my 56 years and having lived in about 8 states.

    If you eat wings with utensils, I’m going to guess that you’re either from overseas or you’re a rich politician who’s trying to “connect” with normal people.

  19. When at home, I sometimes wear vinyl gloves while eating them. Saves me the trouble of constantly wiping off my hands. Then If i have to use my phone, I just remove the gloves.

  20. My wife and I once got chicken wings at a restaurant, and we overheard the couple at the table next to us make a comment about how we ate them with our hands.

    Like how the hell else do you eat them?

  21. The real wing crime is leaving meat on the bone. I don’t care how you eat your wings, as long as you eat the whole damn wing.

  22. I’ve never once seen someone use a knife and fork to eat chicken wings. That would be bizarre. Just use your hands, dude.

  23. It may or may not be borderline illegal, but it’s definitely stupid, like using a toothbrush to dig a hole.

  24. Not *illegal*… But if I saw someone eat wings with a knife and fork, I’d assume they were a spy or an alien because it’s a very strange thing to do!

  25. I’m trying to imagine how you would even eat it with a knife and fork. You’d have to be a surgeon

  26. Absolutely. This should be punishable by law. Wings are *finger food.* I would say that the only acceptable time to do that is with boneless “wings,” but boneless wings are not wings. They’re chicken nuggets.

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