Let’s see how hilarious this can get.

  1. not at all. not a funny comment, but it’s true. i was texting my girlfriend and i realized that i really found someone. never gonna give her up.

  2. Very screwed… she’s a new hire but there’s a major language barrier, and she’s idolizing me and I want to get away from her…

  3. A 62 year old piano teacher, old enough to be my grandmother. Id be majorly fucked.

  4. Well considering the last woman I talked to is someone I have a huge crush on, I ain’t complaining.

  5. We’re already married to each other. So I’m assuming she’d develop a second, Girlfriend personality.

  6. Cashier at the supermarket? I guess it could be worse even if she wasn’t my type

  7. Well she IS one of the coolest people I know, but she’s gay. Can’t really make that work.

  8. I guess this means we won’t be getting married but I’ll still take it.

  9. She is my wife now and I have known her for more than ten years already. “Very screwed” for sure because the connection is now “so tight” and will always be “so tight”.

  10. Coworker. She’s pretty, has a killer body, and a sparkly personality.

    Does break my “Don’t date your coworker” rule, so that’s a problem.

    Edit: For those asking, yes it is a career and no I’m not going to risk it over a potential relationship. There’s plenty of other fish in the sea.

  11. Depending on whether e-mail counts, it’s either my girlfriend or my stepmom. These are some high stakes

  12. Think i’d be in good shape as she was just asking what food to bring me while i work and has a big butt.

  13. Well I guess Rhonda at Verizon customer service in Tennessee and I are now a thing. Going to be tough explaining that to my girlfriend but I don’t make the rules. Maybe now I’ll get a discount on my bill.

  14. I’m gay, last person I talked to was my lesbian coworker.

    Prepare for the unhappiest relationship in history.

  15. Like physically talked? Big problems, it was 4 yr old twins babbling through each other about selling plumbs.

    Talked as in WhatsApp pretty happy, my best friend. There’s no one on this planet I get along with better. I’m not really attracted to her that way, but if it had to be someone I’m glad it’s her

  16. The last woman I talked to?

    We settled that………..in 1971, when she cut me from the herd at age 16.

    Married almost 47 years.

    I’d say I’m not screwed at all.

  17. The last woman I spoke with was my wife about 3 minutes ago. She’s been my girlfriend since 1973. That’s not life, but it’s pretty close.

  18. Well, that’s either my mom, my step, my grandma, or my aunt. And some more extended family too. Besides them, the last non-related woman I spoke to was…

    Fuck, I don’t know. It’s been months since I’ve said more than like 5 words to a woman. Maybe a drive-through worker or gas station employee or something?

  19. She’s my therapist. She’s really nice, actually. I’d absolutely date her (if she weren’t my therapist)

  20. Well. It’s my cousin’s gf, so that wouldn’t be very cash money. Also probably wouldn’t be invited to weddings anymore

  21. Literally my gf who is sleeping like a baby next to me after several rounds of burning calories. Jackpot!

  22. June is a lovely, funny, smart, financially stable 80 year old woman I whos laptop I removed viruses from at work today

  23. She was a cashier that was too young to sell me beer. That makes her almost 30 years my junior. She’ll have fun teaching me about the Tikity Tock and I definitely will throw my back out and not get enough sleep.

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