
My husband and I have been married for 5 1/2 years. We recently had a baby boy 5 months ago. He is a resident physician and I’m a student finishing up my undergrad. Our marriage was great. We had fights over small things and his family. While I was pregnant around 6 months ish we had a baby shower that my brother in law threw us. When my husband was coming home from work he called me saying “tell your mom to call my sister to come over to see the baby when the baby will be born”. (The baby was going to stay at my moms house) My mom and his sister aren’t talking to each other. My mom went out of her way to give her gifts and also invited her to come over for dinner like years ago and she didn’t. So therefore my mom feels that she doesn’t have to call just to invite her. If his sister wants to see the baby then she can come and see the baby. Now 5 months fast forward, my husband doesn’t like my mom or anyone in my family. After he got matched we moved and got a place together. He doesn’t want me to talk or see my family. My family can’t see the baby either, but his family can, which I think is very unfair. I’m always home taking care of the baby and doing online schooling. I don’t have friend where I can go hang out with them. I’m a family type of person. I’ve always been around my family since I’m the oldest and taking care of my family if they need help. He sees that I’m going through PPD, but he doesn’t want to understand anything. I love him but it is getting to the point where he brought up divorce. I had helped him 4 years of med school and now it just feels like everything is falling apart.

I don’t know what to do. I want him to respect me because while we have fights as to why I can’t see my family, he would call my a b****, ahole,c***and so much more.

  1. He’s isolating you from your family and emotionally abusing you. This is dangerous.

    Those are good reasons for divorce.

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