I recently reported a neighbor for kicking & hitting their dog which was captured on my CCTV. It happened in the afternoon on a public road so literally anyone could have witnessed it. Did I do the right thing? Would you have done the same?

  1. Yes I would have done the same and reported it. It’s unacceptable, cruel and no one knows what else may be occurring behind closed doors.

  2. Yes you did the right thing. Animal abuse is abhorrent.

    Lets hope something is done about it.

  3. In honesty I probably would have gone over there and given them both barrels but yea, you absolutely did the right thing. That dog needs to be taken off them, god knows what’s happening indoors if they’re doing that outside. What a piece of shit.

  4. What is society coming to that a man can’t kick and punch his dog without people getting involved?


    Yes you did the right thing, although I’d do the same depends on whether my neighbour would cause issues/kick my head in.

  5. Oh absolutely. You definitely did the right thing.
    I have a rescue myself and the thought of someone harming him makes my blood boil. I hope the authorities do something quickly and take the poor dog away from that monster.

  6. You totally did the right thing.

    Folk that abuse animals – Scum, sub human Scum.

  7. Don’t even think twice about it, people who abuse animals are scum. You done the right thing and then some.

  8. Yes, and I have done. As a kid our neighbour mistreated many animals and I was always trying to stop him. My Dad who had no time for animals at all even reported him and went to court he was so disgusted. Don’t stand for it.

  9. Yes. It would have been very tempting to treat them in the same manner they treated their dog. No time at all for anyone who abuses animals.

  10. I have also reported my neighbour for kicking their dog…no CCTV though, so only my report to go on…all they got was a visit and told to make sure the dog had shelter and a clean living space (it didn’t, it lived outdoors surrounded by its own shit)

  11. Yes. I wouldn’t have gone over because I’d have to be holding my wife back from hitting the guy. But would definitely report the idiot. Don’t feel bad about it, you just saved a dog.

  12. 100% yes. Animals are completely innocent and having a pet is a huge responsibility. You should treat them with patience, respect and love.

  13. I once ended up the owner of a dog because of a situation like this. I watched someone kicking the shit out of a dog and intervened. He told me “you can fucking av it if you care so much”. Alright then. I had her for 11 years in the end. I would have reported to the RSPCA otherwise

  14. Sorry but what do you expect people to say? “Nah I would have asked to join in tbh abusing animals is great fun”. 💀

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