I stopped drinking in March and began taking Delta 9 and it changed my life. I have more energy, started losing weight (15 lbs down!), and my sex drive increased like crazy. In my early 20s, I would want sex at least once a day. But then my husband and I got older, got married, and have been together for 10 years but for a few years it felt more like best friends/roommates than a romantic relationship.

I KNOW my weight and the drinking were a huge mental and physical block for me. But now that they aren’t, I want to have sex all the time.

My husband is my best friend and I know I can talk to him about anything, but I wondered if there are some tips or convo starters to broach the subject? For him, it’s probably a big change to see your wife suddenly quit alcohol and work out and lose weight and be horny all the time… would it help if we just talked about it? Because I also want us to start being more adventurous in bed and I don’t want him to think I’m having a life crisis or something bc we don’t really openly talk about our sex life despite communicating well during the actual act.

Do I say, like, “hey, so, y’know what I think is the reason why I can’t keep off your dick lately?” 💀 whatttt even, send suggestions!


EDITED to add: I didn’t “swap addictions”, I simply found a healthier outlet/vice. I suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD and childhood trauma, and alcohol only made these worsen over time, despite how numbing it felt for me in the moment. I don’t take Delta 9 every day. I don’t need it every day. I enjoy and love it, but the bigger part in this story is that I quit drinking completely and began taking something else which can be known to heighten sexual experiences and pleasure. I felt this was just a variable worth mentioning; not the point of the post.

  1. Buy some sexy lingerie and surprise him. You don’t have to talk to communicate!!!

  2. Start with exactly what you wrote here. You are feeling great and loving the life changes that you recently made.

    Then add that one of the best parts is your increased sex drive. See how he responds to that.

    Given what you mentioned about how your relationship has cooled off a bit sexually and become more like a friendship, you might have to take some steps to get him back up to speed.

    Head. Hand jobs. Filthy texts and pics through out the day.

  3. Isn’t Delta 9 just the normal THC that’s in weed? But yes tell him you are feeling a lot better. Sounds like maybe you were depressed before?

  4. Girl, I went through that about 2 year ago. I’m 39 now and still want it all day every day!

  5. Oh yeah, absolutely bring it up like that. I’d imagine he’d love it. It starts with humor and will probably relax him.

  6. I feel this 100%! I made major lifestyle choices, felt better, lost weight, gained confidence, and it ultimately increased my sex drive like crazy! If he’s you’re best friend tell him exactly what you wrote here I think he’ll be thrilled 🙂

  7. I’m going through this exact same thing now at 46! My husband and I had a dead bedroom for years but I stopped drinking, lost weight, vape CBD and I’m feeling amazing. I want sex daily and he’s having a hard time keeping up lol. I’m pretty honest about everything though, and it can be challenging to communicate at times because we aren’t the best at communicating, but I’m working really hard at being open and honest with him.

    Good luck!

  8. Overall, how do you think he will react? Positively or negatively? If the former, of course you should talk about it. Why would you not? Leaving it in the air with him maybe wondering what or why serves the interests of neither of you. Explain it with a positive spin. Keep it light-hearted. Sex should be fun and fulfilling for you both.

  9. Tell me how this THC is different?
    I stopped drinking in January. But haven’t lost weight… I occasionally take a 1/4 of a gummy but that just now makes me want Cheetos….

  10. You absolutely need to talk to him about it. He’s your husband and such a major change in you that will affect him DOES need to be discussed.

    BUT, speaking as a husband, I would advise against the blunt approach you suggest – “I can’t keep off your dick”. You need to sit him down outside of the bedroom and let him know that you are going through a bit of a transformation as a result of your current health kick – which is a GOOD thing btw!! – and that you are finding that one additional, unexpected result of your weight loss, reduced drinking etc., is a heightened sex drive and you are aware that recently you’ve both slipped into a bit more of a platonic room-mate style living setup, but that you want to re-establish your sex life, and ask him how he feels about it all. Either he’ll be on board with you to work towards re-eestablishing your sex life, or he won’t, in which case, you’ll have a decision to make.

  11. I would sit him down and discuss it outside the bedroom. I went through something similar. You two are partners and talking about your intimate life is important. He should know where you are mentally.

    A sudden increase in sexual interest can be a sign someone is having an affair. If your behavior around sex changes a lot, his brain might start to go there, so let him know what really is going on. Chances are good this is a good thing from his perspective, so why not let him know?

  12. first person i’ve ever met to start doing weed and lose weight lmao, you eating celery when you get the munchies? lmao

  13. So, you have more energy, have lost weight, are working out, you want to have a lot of sex with your husband and you aren’t sure how to tell him?

    I’m pretty sure you don’t have to say anything at all.

  14. Ok listen. I had a girlfriend who had a ton of issues, then she started to work on herself and changed dramatically. She went from no sex to want sex in the parking lot. But I was left confused, I did my best to keep up but it was incredibly frustrating because I also have a huge sex drive but I had tuned it down for her. Now she kind of went back and forth and other issues but my point is Yes sit one of these days, he’s you best friend so just tell him, hey I love you so much, I have been working on myself and am feeling extremely different / better. I love to fuck more often as I feel great about it , myself and you. Done. Then just wear sexier and tease him, maybe initiate stuff slowly , don’t expect a sudden massive change, give him a little time to digest it

  15. Bring it up. Sex drive is man’s first language. If you know how to turn him on and your personality is t getting in the way you’ll be just fine. If there’s too much baggage in the way have a couples therapist reconnect you.

  16. I dunno that I’d even bother talking about it, but if it feels right for your relationship then you should just go with it.

  17. Just remember your alcohol and mental block affected him as well.

    Don’t say we need to talk. Don’t hit with it right when he gets home from work.
    I would prep him on the weekend by saying
    “Can we talk later on how me stopping drinking, weight loss and taking thc makes me feel better and I want to be with you more sexually and ways we are both comfortable of being more adventurous. I want to give you time to think so we can have a good conversation.

  18. People always want to make things complicated for no reason. Yea just talk to him. Say what you’ve written here. You can even start with the “hey, so, y’know what I think is the reason why I can’t keep off your dick lately?” If you feel like you need the icebreaker.

  19. You’d be best of starting to talk about the topic in general. We also made the mistake of kind of not talking about it honestly (but without blame!) It helps a lot.

    Also, there’s nothing abnormal about craving sex in a relationship. Don’t be scared!

  20. Tbh, you know your husband best. I would say communication is key even though it’s cliche. I would however find the right time for that conversation, also work on it prior to bringing it up. How you will word it per him and how you will respond to the what if scenarios you are worried about. Most men are quite open to these things in my opinion and or the area I live in. Best of luck to your life is short and great sex is a beautiful thing. I am happy you are finding a new part of yourself.

  21. I quit drinking about 5 years ago and subsequently lost a lot of weight, and my sex did indeed come roaring back with a vengeance 😂 I think this is a pretty common experience, so no need to feel weird.

    Definitely let your husband know how you’re feeling. I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear you’ve got an extra bounce in your step these days. If his sex drive isn’t as strong as yours at the moment, your could propose some nonpenetrative activities, like having him participate in your masturbation.

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