A month ago my bf of 6 years(25) and I (24)got into an argument and when he gets upset he decides to call my parents or his mom to tell on me. So this time, he got super upset, instead of breaking things like he usually does, he decides to call him mom furiously crying and says “Mom can you pick me up and help me take my things?(his car wasn’t working) I don’t want to be with my gf anymore. This is a depressing house I live in, she doesn’t allow me to be a son to you, a brother, an uncle. It’s all because of her because she’s such a rude person” his mom agreeing with him says she will come pick him up. So I got super upset that he’s always humiliating me in front of his family, it’s uncomfortable to go there when everyone is in our business and we are already 24 & 25. We are a little grown to be putting on a show every time we argue. I said really mean things about his mom “your mom is a piece of sh*t, just like you”. And I immediately regretted it. He ended up leaving and I felt like I couldn’t do it so I begged him to come back. He came back and I seemed help on my mental health, started reading on attachment styles etc and I’m trying my best. I told him that I wouldn’t be going to his families house & he didn’t have to come to mine, due to what happened, I don’t want to see his family. He agreed. Mind you it has only been ONE month. So last week it was his both his brothers bday. One on Tuesday, one Thursday. He went to see one on Tuesday and invited me and I said no because I was working but mainly because I said I didn’t want to see his family. So he didn’t go and went the next day. He was supposed to go Thursday but then said that they moved it to Saturday because their dad wasn’t able to make it. My friend called me, she is Pakistani, and I’m guessing her wedding was very spontaneous, she said her bridal shower was that same Saturday and I said I’d be there because my bf and I had already agreed I wasn’t going with him. On Friday, I ask him if we can go to the movies Saturday night to which he quickly replies yes. I thought that since I was going to my event at 2pm and the movie wasn’t till 8:30, we would both have time to go to our events separately and hang out at night. On Friday, my bf asks me about all the details of the bridal shower, what time? Where? Am I going to know where you’re at? Etc. I share with him and ask him what time he’s going to his moms in to which he replies “idk”. So I move on. Thought he might go around the afternoon time 3-4. At night I finalize the plans and let him know the movie is at 8:30pm and once again ask what time he will be going to his moms, again he says idk. I let him know all the details of the movie, he’s super nice to me and says “any movies you’d like to watch babe just let me know and I’ll take you” super sweet! Okay so I buy tickets, it’s a double date! We are set. The next morning he wakes up upset and I ask him what’s wrong ? He says “nothing I just have to eat?” And I ask again “are you sure? Tell me what’s wrong?” And he says “well also the fact that you’re cutting my time short with my family, I’m going to have to be rushing. You’re ruining my plans”. When I tell you I was SHOCKED. I tried to communicate with him, times, date, asked if he wanted to go in the first place and he agreed to it all!!! There was a nicer way to say he has realized he can’t make it. I got sad/upset and said “ohhh okay well you should’ve told me, I will try to see if I can get a refund on your ticket” and he gets mad at me and says “why would you do that, what if I can make it?” So we leave it at that, upset at each other. I go to my event, he goes to his, and then when it’s almost time for the movie, I ask him if he’s still going. The other couple showed up at our house, we were waiting. I sent another text, “where going to head out in a bit” later another “okay, I’ll see you later then” and when I was at the movie (drive in movie theater) I text again “the movie hasn’t started yet if you’d like to come” and he responds “sorry hadn’t seen your message, I’m super far and still at my moms”. I said “ok”
The movie ends around 10:30, the other couple kept asking about him, asking if he wanted to eat after etc. I said no, we ended up going out to eat and I get a text from him asking if I’m almost home and I said “yup but we are going to eat first” and about 45 mins later I get a text “lol i left my mom’s house earlier and they were asking me to stay and I said ,”no I have a house to get back to I can’t leave too late” should’ve stayed “ which was so rude of him to send. I was 2 mins away from the house. He came to me and said “so we get home at midnight now? I didn’t know we could do that?” And I respond saying “we went out to eat and the movie started late, you should’ve stayed at your moms” and he said “I should’ve” the situation escalates because I am crying he says I’m a horrible fuck*ng person, that I should be ashamed to go step foot in his moms house… etc”
We didn’t talk for two days. Last night I tell him I felt disrespected and sad about him leaving me hanging for the second time, and About all the horrible things he said to me. He admits he said some mean things because he says he has anger built up inside for me. Then he makes it about his family,I honestly felt like he didn’t care about anything I said, he went straight to “I don’t want to have a time limit on my family, I want to be there for them all the time, I don’t care about your movie” and I tell him “but you were the one that agreed, I tried to talk to you about the timing and you kept saying you didn’t know, and I was left hanging” and again he said he didn’t care about the movie, that he wasn’t going to leave him family to go see a stupid movie. He said I only cared about the movie and I said “isn’t that what started all of this? That you left me hanging, why are we talking about your family?” He always makes every argument about his family! That upsets me. I always feel like a second choice to him.
He said he wants to end things in a good way, he doesn’t want to be rude to me anymore and he’s leaving.
We slept. I called him this morning, and he says “Fu*k your movie, fu*k staying, I’m fuck*ng out. I’m going to leave, I’m going to go have kids, and you’re going to be alone because no one wants to fuck*ng be with you” and I just cried….. and I don’t know what to do 🙁 how can I communicate better? What can I do to fix it?

1 comment
  1. This is abuse. You leave him, blocking him if you have to and get therapy to work on yourself before you get into another relationship.

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