Not sure if anyone else feels the same way currently, but I (m32) spend way too much god damn time on Instagram Twitter Tiktok. It’s sickening and I realized it hasn’t been beneficial for personal growth whatsoever. The escapism and dopamine fix needs to relax and I’m going cold turkey for ideally 30 days.

Probably a deeper conversation to be had later, but I have such an issue with being alone or dealing with boredom. Blame it on an anxiety disorder, blame it on upbringing, I just can’t ‘be’. Perhaps this will be a good exercise, who knows!

Would love to discuss further if anyone is of interest!

  1. Just by coincidence, I started this yesterday. I realized I was spending too much time looking for that dopamine fix, and decided I’d like to try and reduce my reliance on distracting myself with social media.

    I unfortunately need to use social media (a little bit) for work. So I used the screen time function on my iphone and set a time limit to 3-5 minutes each.

  2. Logged out of Facebook in 2018, Twitter in 2021 and Instagram this year. Never used TikTok for a second. Now I have 3x the time for mobile games and reddit … Get rid of the phone if you really want a cleanse

  3. I’m hating social media so much right now, but at the same time spending so much time on it. I’d be up for setting some goals and using this thread as a place to be accountable.

  4. I deleted Snapchat summer 2020, Facebook winter 2020 and Instagram in summer 2021. I log into Twitter once a week and reddit occasionally. I have changed a lot as a person in such a short period of time in the grand scheme of things. Particularly I am much more confident socially. Social media should be renamed “anti-social media” , as staring at a screen and doom scrolling all day long is not in the least bit social

  5. You’ll start to notice just how much people talk about that shit in real life. It’s pretty annoying. The only downsides I’ve noticed are: I have to actually put in work to find out when bands that I want to see are playing my city. Also, some people only send invites to stuff via Facebook, but most of my friends know I won’t get it so they text me.

  6. My mental health has gotten so much better since I’ve given up social media.

    I still check Instagram on occasion because I have one old friend who I really only communicate with anymore through an Instragram chat, but other than that I’ve deleted all my accounts. I only have one post ever on Instragram, and it’s a sunset. I don’t comment on other people’s posts or anything, just chat with that one friend, and look at the photos from my local dog rescues.

    It’s really nice, I gotta say.

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