Been looking at some really out of the box certifications like beer judge, firework launching or bartender. Have you ever did some really cool course and did it help you professionally?

1 comment
  1. The most fun to get was a welding certification, but it never helped me with a job. I just wanted to know torch and TIG welding real well because it’s fun.

    Certification as a firearms instructor did help with getting one job according to the owner. I used it to teach boys and girls in scouts for 13 years and that was surprisingly rewarding by itself. So I had a counselor certification for that too.

    I’ve got some for various security systems, but those are usually only used by really high security facilities. The only fun thing about those is I’ve been in some really secure buildings. Those, and a history of being passed through background checks by some paranoid organizations, are useful for employment.

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