More context in my previous posts.

Basically my gf went to study abroad and in the last month she became unsure about the relationship and told me we should try to see what happens when she came back.

She came back and although we were having a great time, she was still unsure and I was suffering too much anxiety by her being unsure after dating for 1.5 years.

I decided to break up with her last week through a call and two days ago she told me she wanted more closure in person.

I met up with her for 20 minutes outside her house and she told me during that past week she thought about everything and realized she fucked up, that she was overwhelmed by everything from coming back from her study abroad and that she wants to make this work.

I told her it’s best if we keep it like this and don’t get back together since she’ll always have this feeling in the back of her head.

Now I’m thinking if trying this again is worth it? Honestly we had an amazing relationship until 1 month ago before her coming back when she started being unsure about everything.

Does anyone have any tips? Should I go back together or was saying no the right choice?

Edit: she was always faithful and last week she took a trip with her family so she had time to reflect on everything

  1. OP, what reassurances do you have that when she goes off again that the same thing won’t happen again? So, she went to study abroad. How long were you long distance? I would strongly suspect she met someone there, they may have hit it off, and it got her re-thinking your relationship. If she is going back for study abroad, I’d say just end the relationship. If she staying local and is willing to commit to communicating and working with you on the relationship, then I would say it is worth giving it another shot. However, she needs to understand the impact her actions have had on your trust level, and that she has a lot of work to do.

  2. I think OP made the right call by cutting it off. How do you develop unsure feelings one month out from returning? I’ve seen OPs edit but I still wonder if there was someone else involved.

    OP, hold firm and don’t let anyone tou with your emotions.

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