Oh man, what’s your purpose in life?

  1. “to do whatever it is, you tell me Drill Sergeant! ”

    Bad jokes aside, as I see it, it’s to endure this shitshow of a world until my miserable life ends.

  2. Do you need one? I don’t find comfort in thinking I’m destined for one big thing. I just do what I can to make my time here as enjoyable as possible for as many people as possible, and hopefully leave behind some good stories.

  3. To reproduce and ensure the survival of my offspring until they are ready to go and ensure the survival of the family line. Boom

  4. Whatever you choose. There is no intrinsic purpose. You are free to make your life as you choose

  5. My purpose changes over time and is whatever I make it. Currently, my purpose in life is to find a purpose.

  6. The purpose of your life is to just live.

    As you live you will gain experiences. You will try things out, like some of them and dislike others. You will do something for a while and figure out you don’t enjoy it. You’ll start something else and wish you had started earlier.

    Eventually you’ll start seeing a bigger picture. Some people see it at different times, some people see it on their death bed. But that bigger picture is who you have been, who you are, and who you want to be. Your “purpose” is to try and merge those pictures together.

  7. to give a shit about others, even though nobody gives a shit about you.

    Oh, you mean me specifically?


  8. Enjoy it the way I wish while it lasts then go out in a (figurative) blaze of glory.

  9. * Become as lean and fit as I can possibly be, and stay that way –> optimize my looks
    * Become as wealthy and successful as I can possibly be –> optimize my wealth

  10. It’s got to be music I mean I’ve spent all this time in middle school learning so many instruments and actually playing songs and planning and composing songs and playing them with my instruments I’ve had so much fun and there’s just got to be it

  11. I only realized this recently through therapy. My purpose is to do right by others. I have however many years left on this planet and I want to do good things.

  12. Have some fun, raise a good family, and leave the world a little better than I found it.

  13. I always used to wonder this as well. Then I became a dad and found out that my purpose in life is to make his life as good as it can be.

  14. I’ve already completed the purpose of raising two good men for the next generation so now My purpose is to make a positive impact on those around me. I enjoy enhancing other peoples lives.

  15. Me specifically? Family.

    Service to others.

    It’s not all about me.

    Took me awhile to realize it.

  16. To really live my life! Do what I dislike most of my time in order to do what I like.

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