There is this one girl I met in high school, liked her since the semester I met her and the rest of my high school years. Let’s name her Emma.
When I caught feelings for her, Emma had a boyfriend. we weren’t really friends but we talked a few times. I did not try to be friends with her because I knew I liked her and she was in a relationship. I did this because it wasn’t gonna be fair for me to try to be friends with someone I have feelings for. fast forward to two years later when she’s broken up I slowly tried to reintroduce myself into her life.
The first time I tried making plans she said she would be down then cancelled on me without suggesting another time. I asked her if she could let me know if she didn’t want to set up another time and just not see me. she said she wanted to hang out as friends first because she’s still dealing with the breakup and I agreed to it.
don’t get me wrong, I am totally cool with us being friends and giving her the time to figure out what she wants. she was cool with the idea, suggested a different time, and we hung out.
I was getting into summer school, it’s about a month long so I asked her os she wanted to hang out before I got really busy and she told me the days she was free the week leading up to the first day of summer school.
I asked her to come hang out with me at a different public spot, she was down for the idea initially and even double-texted at one point to try and figure out the date and the time. I thought she was genuinely interested but then when I replied to her she said she couldn’t make it anymore on the day I suggested.
What kinda hurt me is that she didn’t suggest a different time for the cancellation. I understand that cancelling is fine, but if a girl cancels on me without offering me a different time I feel like it’s a sign to move on. I don’t know if she didn’t suggest another time because I told her I will be busy afterwards or plainly because she is trying to avoid me.
I don’t know if I’m overthinking or not haha. school ends July 30th and i kinda want to text her when it ends or maybe before it and remind her that “school is done, lmk if you still wanna hangout”
I’m not sure is that even is the right course of action, but I would much rather take a rejection than go on with life thinking the girl I liked in high school was down to go out with me but it was because of lack of effort on my end I was the one to mess it up.
If i do remind her can someone give me an example of what to say to re-initiate a conversation and remind her that i would be down to go hang out with her?
For context we didnt speak in over 2 weeks.

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