I said to break up multiple times but he doesn’t want to. We have 3 kids together so it would be hard. He isn’t attracted to me anymore. He is surrounded by young, good looking receptionists at his work. I’ve tried my hardest to maintain my weight but I do look saggy and gross. We don’t have enough money to fix that issue. I’m a size 8-10 before kids I was a size 4-6. I just want some one who enjoys making me a coffee and adores me. I’m so sick of being treated like I’m a disgusting person. I want to be back in the dating scene where someone gives you massages and tells you your beautiful. This is torture, I don’t get why he can’t just leave. I’m 32 so I feel like I would be happy on my own without such a negative person in my life who sees me as a chore.

  1. >I want to be back in the dating scene where someone gives you massages and tells you your beautiful.

    And all the unsolicited penis pictures. And the guys berating you for not being interested. The guys berating you for telling them you’re not interested. The guys harassing you to come meet right now, even though you have children and are just trying to make a connection. The guys that will say they will even pay for a sitter, or that they don’t care that your kids are home.

    Leave, if you feel unappreciated or unloved. Ask your man to put in the work. Wtf.

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