hey, F 20. I have a good job, a really awesome partner, but i have bad social anxiety and really am craving some strong and fun friendships with other girls 🙁
I have moved around quite a lot and do have strong friendships but those girls live far away and it’s not easy to see them often.
I really would like to develop some friendships but I don’t even know how to start and how to maintain them with my bad anxiety. I’m sure others are in the same boat but if others have had any luck with anything please let me know

  1. hi! i can’t really give you advice but you aren’t alone, i’m struggling with the same issue!

  2. Hiya 🙂 I (F 19) have had problems with building strong, meaningful relationships during my years at school. I’m on a gap year and haven’t even gone out with any friends because I don’t have many. The hard part is that losing/ not having friends has made me lose my social skills so that now I find it hard to connect with others. The older you get the seemingly harder it gets to make friends as well like I can’t just say “hey, can I be your friend” “can I play with you?” like I could when I was like 5 yrs old or something 😂😂

    However I have considered joining a club or two in an area/hobby that I’m passionate about and can meet people who share similar interests. I know you said you lack time but is there a possible way you could fit this in somewhere? Once a week or so?

    If not, I’m sure you’ve heard of Bumble? There’s a friendship version of the app (not just dating).

    I’m gonna start trying to put myself out there (as uncomfortable as it makes me feel) but ease myself into it cuz I don’t wanna feel drained. In order to maintain the relationship be sure to follow up with the people you’ve acquainted often- try not to get back to them too late otherwise they’ll become discouraged and once you develop more of a bond they’ll probably be more forgiving of you getting back late. However, don’t try to force the relationship too much as being too desperate can sometimes drive ppl away. I wish you and everyone else reading this good luck in finding their tribe. It won’t be easy but in the end it will be totally worth it💕

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