I am 17 nearly 18, and when I ejaculate my cum is jelly like and is yellow. I heard is can be due to prostatitis but I have no symptoms that match with it. I am nervous to talk to my parents about it cause I don’t want to talk to them about my sexual life. I have never had sex.

Are there any tablet you can take to stop this. I’m so nervous. Any help is appreciated

  1. Look, when it comes to your health, that barrier to speaking about it that you’re experiencing is one that you need to get past and the sooner the better. There exist plenty of fully grown people who are too embarrassed to be completely honest about their symptoms even with their doctors. It doesn’t do anyone any favors and the only way you get past it is to push through it.

    If you can make an appointment with a doctor independently, I’d suggest that. If you have to go through your parents to make a doctor’s appointment, I would just tell them that you need a doctor’s appointment and that it’s for something personal. If they try to pry, stand firm on this. You’re 17; you’re entitled to both your health and your privacy.

  2. Go to your family doctor. Tell family you’re due for a checkup, mention your issue to the doctor.

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