I have a job that I somewhat enjoy, has great benefits, easy commute, core team I work alongside is ok (All women), but I absolutely hate my boss. She makes me despise going to work every day. Probably the most

While out on paid family leave, I asked about working from home remotely one day(Something that was promised to me but have yet to use) and they changed their minds about that along with demoting my position due to company restructure.

Here’s my dilemma… I spoke with my direct supervisor and due to demotion due to co. restructure, I was able to finagle 4 months of severance along with unemployment for 6 mos.

I am leaning more towards accepting the severance to look for a position where the environment isn’t toxic and I can actually stand the people I work with.

My fears are that A) I won’t find anything within 6 mos and B) If I do, the pay, benefits, etc. will be worse (I’m getting paid better than most in my position)

My daughter turned a month old and I have another month of bonding before the severance were to kick in.

What would you guys do in this situation?


  1. I only talk as someone who jumped ship without a plan, back in 2015 and regret it.

    This is the importance of always looking for new work!

    How employable are you? How senior is your position in your organisation? Can you move sideways into a similar role elsewhere, or would you need to start closer to the bottom?

    With the trauma and hardship I went through, and that I put my young family through, when I bailed from my position in 2015, I would never do anything like that again, but you may be in a better position to find work after you’ve left.

    Good luck.

  2. Start looking for a job NOW. Always keep feelers out. The economy is hard everywhere. But depending on your skill set/profession you may get lucky.

    Indeed and Zip Recruiter seem to be useful.

  3. I left a job like this for the same job with a different company and it was the best decision I made. The people are also great at my new job, + lots of movement + MORE MONEY ++++ awesome bosses instead of a micromanaging dickhead.

    Ive never been happier. And I was so fucking scared to leave cus I was in very well at my old job. Although I hated my boss, he did not hate me and thought he was gonna mold me into a mini him and I’d be running the show in 10 years. Wouldn’t be worth the torture of working under him for another year, let alone 10 years.

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