Mine is a megalodon, because they’re the biggest sea creature.

  1. Not technically a dinosaur, but I have a soft spot for Moschops.

  2. Pegomastax. Who doesn’t like strong jawline? Jk. Maybe I want a pet dino or I can get a parrot and imagine it is a Pegomastax.

  3. I love this question! Mine is the t-rex, because it’s a big, badass predator

  4. Diplodocus because they have completely round eggs or the Malasaurus because those colonies of mamas and babies must’ve been cute. And I hope maybe I can see a true to scale sauropod like the argentinosaurus one day because it’s just wild to me that something that freaking gigantic once walked the earth. Ankylosauruses are also cool af, literally built to beat a predators behind.

  5. AWESOME QUESTION!!! Obviously there’s only 1 right answer…STEGOSAURUS!! Those big plates and spiky tail. They’re so cute (but would be super scary to meet one IRL).

    I also think ankylosaurs are cute too. Like a little tank with a club. Hehehe

  6. I have no idea, but if you need ANY information AT ALL, ask my 3 year old nephew. And yes, they all died a very long time ago. At least 3 or 4 days.

  7. Let me tell you about my good friend Spinosaurus. Rexy has a big head. Saurophaganax has a sick name. But Spinosaurus has that weird factor cracked up to twelve. It’s every bit as iconic as Rexy and friends.

  8. Okay so as a kid it was the OG man himself the T-Rex, i loved the T-Rex with a passion. Raptors were always on the back burner because they were cool as hell too. I grew to love them just as much as the T-Rex, then I learned that the big pack ceeatures in Jurassic Park arent velcoraptors like we were all led to believe but they’re closer to Utah Raptors.

    So Utah Raptors became the favourite. Then I learned that velcoraptors would have looked like reptile-y turkeys with their feathers and they once again became the favourite.

    While all of this was going on there was emerging a new bad boy dinosaur in my mind, a fellow who i’d known about for years and always sort of liked. But he was about to knock all the contenders out of the water.

    Spinosaurus. An absolute unit of a dinosaur. Just as big and ferocious as a t-rex (At least thats how it was depicted at the time), semi-aquatic (Meaning it in my mind resembled crocodiles which I also love) and it had a huge sail on its back making it super distinctive.

    A new king had been crowned. I still love the old favourites but Spino has been number 1 for a long time now and isn’t shifting from the top any time soon.

    Ankylosaurus have also been a long running favourite too

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