How can I get over porn in dating ? Should I ? To be honest I don’t mind minimal porn watching in a relationship but if it’s starting to affect your partner and your sex life is that enough for it to be an issue? I have to be honest I’m a jealous lover. I also watch porn, not often and very certain kinds, when not in a relationship and for me personally as a woman when I start to see someone and fall for them, the thought of them and the naughty things we do/will do, pics videos of them and us is enough for me. Me and my current bf are having sex multiple times a week nearly everytime we see each other so like 5 or 6 times a week. He has a 9-5 and we see each other every weekend and almost every day after work. I to feel hurt that he still feels the need to obsessively watch porn and masturbate and I’m not sure if I should? When I send him pics he never mentions using them for that and it really hurts my ego. He told me he would calm down but he never brings up any progress and I feel annoying and also pressuring him by always being the one to bring it up. He continues to like pics of models online after he told me he would try to stop. Other than that we have a great relationship and he does always open up about his struggling addiction and is apologetic and says he will try but is that enough? I feel hurt again because I saw he follows a girl with an only fans and liked her pics this week. Only fans is for sure a boundary for me so I’m scared to bring this up. I would hate to throw away such an otherwise great relationship over something so trivial but it really hurts my feelings and keeps me up multiple nights/Morning a week. I’m never able to make him finish on my own when we do it either so it really is a blow to my ego. I just don’t know what to do and how often I can keep bringing it up. I don’t know what to do I don’t want to lose my amazing boyfriend but if he’s a true porn addict that’s absolutely heartbreaking. If I don’t see any progress soon is it a valid reason to break up over sex? Any insight helps truly. We’re both so young I feel like this shouldn’t be an issue I have multiple partners and sex has never been an issue to say the least. It’s so sad that now I’m in love and the sex is eating me up.

  1. Cant you film some videos of you playing with yourself for your partner to watch instead of porn?

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