i met this girl through my old roommates girlfriend. I have a very good memory of peoples faces. And also I had a bit of a crush on this girl and my roommates wanted me to hook up with her. But I never did. At the time I was 19 and terrible with girls. We went on a big group fishing and swimming trip one time. We talked a bit but never really got to know each other that well. One day we stopped having parties at our house and I stopped seeing her around.

I remember the last time I saw her she walked away and in a very flirty way said goodbye but clearly wanted me to come with. I didn’t go with.

Maybe a year after that I matched with her on tinder but had just started dating my ex gf. I gave my buddy my tinder and let him message whoever he wanted. He messaged her something weird. I unmatched it a few hours later so she didn’t see it, but she might have seen it. Since then I had seen her but she never spoke to me. Saw her in public and she wouldn’t even look at me long enough to approach her. I’d see her on tinder every once and a while but we never would match.

I just matched with her on tinder again. I want to message her but don’t know what to say. I have no idea if she remembers me as much as I do her. Also I don’t want to bring up the last time we talked in the first message really.

  1. Message her something relating in her profile or like déjà vu that you keep matching. The fact that you’ve match a few times is a good sign that she’s still interested or still finds you attractive at the least. Worth sending a message to get a conversation going to see if there’s a connection. Don’t worry about the past experiences or events as they’re irrelevant now.

  2. Be honest about what you remember. Say where you remember her from. Mention that your buddy messaged her and you unmatched her and apologize for that if she remembers it or not.

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