Could you be in a serious relationship with someone who drinks 1-2 alcohol units daily? Why or why not?

  1. I mean it depends on the context. If they do it with dinner and it’s usually one and doesn’t get them drunk then yeah. I do that pretty often too. If they are actually getting drunk because they are small then that’s bad for them and I would discourage them from doing that every day

  2. I dated a legit alcoholic, and no way am I doing that again.

    I’m talking shitfaced up all night sleep all day can’t hold a job for more than 3 months at best.

  3. Daily would be too much. I don’t think that it would stay at that amount long-term.

  4. I was raised by two alcoholics. I can’t be in a serious relationship with someone whose breath even hints he might be an alcoholic. I have to say, though, that the amount he is drinking so far, if true, doesn’t seem like it’s out of control yet.

  5. I would be completely fine with it as that is a beer or glass of wine a day. But am curious as to nationality of these responses. I am English and don’t think it would be an issue for most people here. Although I’d encourage them not to drink everyday for health reasons.

  6. Daily consumption of alcohol = can’t go about a day without alcohol= unhealthy dependency on alcohol.

    Doesn’t work for me

  7. Yea, because I do mostly the same(probably 1-2 drinks maybe 3-4 times a week). It wouldn’t be a turnoff if someone liked the taste of alcohol. Now if I thought they were addicted it would be different.

  8. A glass of wine or beer with dinner or a cocktail. This is not a heavy drinker.

  9. yep. i was in a serious relationship with someone who enjoyed a large glass of wine with dinner few times a week. no they didn’t have a drinking problem.

  10. One or two beers or a glass of wine with dinner?

    I wouldn’t care so long as their attitude wasn’t affected by the drinks And they held themselves together maturely.

  11. Personally, I’d rather not. Needing alcohol daily and being incapable of stopping is a bad sign. I don’t drink alcohol. Never had a reason or desire to and I’ve seen countless examples of things getting fucked up when alcohol gets involved. They’d be better off dating someone else who also drinks as much as they do.

  12. If your have to drink every day, you have a problem. And no I wouldn’t.

    If your drinking is been questioned you have or are going to have an alcohol problem

  13. Yeah that’s pretty much standard where I’ve lived in France and UK, most drink coffee daily and enjoy a glass of wine or a beer in the evening. No problem whatsoever

  14. “I’ll count how much gas is going into the car” – Charlie Kelly

  15. Yeah.

    I don’t partake.

    Nearly ever. I only drink from peer pressure.

    As long as they don’t ask me every time they pour a drink. Or if they pour themselves a drink and I ask him to make me one that’s polite of them.

    Many people have one glass of wine or two beers after work. I think it’s totally normal and rational.

  16. No, I was in a relationship where I was the one that drank Atleast a pint of hard liquor a day. Addicts are delusional to the real world and real feelings in real time.

  17. 2 units is absolutely nothing, it’s 1 pint of a medium (4% ABV) strength beer.
    So no, it’s no problem at all.

  18. Here in Wisconsin if you answer no you are drastically narrowing your choices… 1-2 is child’s play round here

  19. No, because I don’t. I want to be with someone that has the same values and life habits as me. Drinking on occasion is fine, drinking daily is not okay or healthy.

  20. Yes, considering my after-work activity is a big fat joint with the strongest weed I could buy at the dispensary.

    Drugs are fun. Drugs also have life-ruining potential. As long as she kept it in the “1-2 drinks a day” category, I’d be okay with it.

    That said, I grew up with a father who was viciously gripped by alcoholism until he was diagnosed with stage 3 cirrhosis of the liver in 2021. Soooo… I’d probably keep a very close eye on her and if it looked like she was headed there, I’d have to talk to her about it.

  21. Absolutely. As long as they didn’t call them “Alcohol Units”. That shit right there would turn me off unless she talked like that all the time. Then maybe she’d get the Treker in me revved up.

  22. I wouldn’t enjoy it, I hate alcohol, never was drunk, never will be. I despise it and I despise people who drink it, call me party pooper, I shall however never sympathize with drinking, people who drink are usually pathetic, naive and immature beings. That shit is literally poison, there is no benefit to it whatsoever. None. People drink to fit in, to feel better, to let the steam off. There are better ways however and alcohol is not even an option, it’s as I said literally poison and the drunken state is a reaction to the poison. Personally wouldn’t date anyone who drinks. Wouldn’t recommend it either. No benefit to alcohol, to drinking. Nothing, fuck it.

  23. She likes to drink a glass or two of wine or beer a day? That’s barely tipsy territory and wont affect her day to day functions at all.

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