I am from Germany, so flying the country flag is a no no (except for world cups). However, I have seen the flag of Cologne and of the Veedel, I am from occasionally (especially after it turned 1’000 years old). Is flying a city flag or a municipal subdivision flag a common occurrence? Do your cities even have flags (someone from IRC said they don’t which seems odd to me)?

  1. I did in Chicago because it is cool looking.

    My current town just has a seal and I don’t even know where you could get one, not so I really want one.

    I do want to fly the New Maine flag though. Which is really the old 1901 flag. Which is slightly different than the more stylized one that is used as an alternate flag on tourist gear. We are going to have a referendum and I hope it passes.

  2. New York State and New York City both have flags, but I don’t think you’d really ever see them flown except outside a state or city facility. A private citizen would be very unlikely to display them like they might the American flag.

  3. Lol my closest town doesn’t even have a stop light. We don’t have a flag.

    I couldn’t identify a single city flag. Unless the name was on it.

  4. Larger cities will often have flags. But no, we don’t really fly them as often as state or country flags. I live in Houston and offhand I’m not sure what our flag even looks like or if I’m thinking of the logo of a local sports team.

  5. You see more New England flags here than state flags. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a private building with a state flag here. It’s bad, as is our city flag.

  6. Wilmington has a flag, but it’s just the flag of Sweden with the city seal on it. Only municipal buildings bother flying it.

  7. The Chicago flag is fairly popular and is on tshirts and baseball caps. But, in general city flags arent that common.

    Edit: just saw a guy had it tattoed on his arm

  8. I don’t have a coinvent place to fly a flag on my house, but I would fly the cities I’ve lived in flags. I currently live in Milwaukee – the official flag is absolute shit, but there’s a “Peoples flag” that is really nice.

    The other cities I’ve lived in and would fly – Cincinnati, DC, Chicago all have really cool city flags. I have coffee mugs that have the flag on them from all these locations.

  9. I don’t think my small northern New England village even has a municipal seal, much less a flag.

  10. Most state flags have enough asthetic appeal to fly around, city flags are worse. Double for me because I saw a city flag of a town close by show up on a YouTube video describing how bad American city flags can be.

    But seriously who is with me on redesigning state flags that are just state seals with blue backgrounds.

  11. Germany doesnt fly their own flag? What do you call the shitshow that was r/place?

  12. When you guys say “city” do you mean an actual city or just the municipality we live in? I don’t live in a city and my town is not the suburb of any city. It’s not a remote small town, either, there are 50k people living here.

    I don’t know of any cities flags. Apparently they have them, looking at these comments, but I don’t think I’d recognize one. Are European city flags derived from old heraldry or something? I had no idea this was even a thing.

  13. It turns out my county has a flag, I’d never thought of it before.

    I’d never fly it, it’s ugly

  14. No, it’s not common where I live, but I often see people flying state flags.

  15. Government buildings mostly. There are a couple of city flags around but not many.

  16. No. Sometimes people fly state flags or US flags. Almost never see a non-official use of the Los Angeles city flag. You’ll see more Mexican, South Korean, or Salvadoran flags than city flags.

  17. I do not fly my city flag, but it is commonly seen in town on public buildings and other notable locations. It looks very much like a modern corporate logo on a white background, so I am actually not sure if everyone immediately looks at it and goes “there’s our city flag!” as opposed to interpreting it as a kind of branding exercise. I get that a flag is a type of branding, but maybe you know what I mean – we have a bath and tennis club that flies plain flags with their logo on them. Same with one of the big hotels in town. We have a university that has a very recognizable, very corporate-looking logo, and you see those flags everywhere too – just the logo on a plain background.

    I would strongly differentiate between these kinds of corporate style logos, and the symbolism of what you see on a flag like Cologne’s.

  18. I had no idea San Diego even had a city flag until I googled it after reading this post! Most city/state buildings in California will fly the California state flag and American flag only. Maybe I’m just out of the loop, but I’ve never seen the San Diego city flag flown anywhere in the last 30+ years, lol

  19. Chicago is very well known for being much more fond of its city flag than most other American cities. It’s fuckin EVERYWHERE.

    Chicago police and fire fighter funerals even have the Chicago flag draped over the casket instead of the American flag. I don’t know of any other cities that do that

  20. Yes, I live in DC and our flag is pretty popular with residents. I have a mini flag on my desk, and had a window card at my old apartment. It’s pretty common for folks to have a DC flag on display on their porch.

  21. Yep, flying state and city flags is definitely a thing, though if the flags aren’t that appealing, usually a lame seal on a plain background, then they won’t be flown outside of standard official or commercial usage. The Chicago flag is very popular in Chicago and many people tend to fly the flag in a variety of contexts.

  22. Yep, flying state and city flags is definitely a thing, though if the flags aren’t that appealing, usually a lame seal on a plain background, then they won’t be flown outside of standard official or commercial usage. The Chicago flag is very popular in Chicago and many people tend to fly the flag in a variety of contexts.

  23. State flags are pretty popular. City flags would only be a few places that have a really different identity than the surrounding state like Chicago or something.

  24. I’m getting here pretty late so I’m surprised no one has mentioned this yet, but the state of Colorado is VERY proud of its flag. I used to live in Chicago and you see the state flag here as much as I did the city flag back there. It’s on everything you can think of and lots of people incorporate the symbols into their tattoos.

  25. I only really know of people flying the Texas flag, but other than that, almost nobody flies state or municipal flags. Everyone who flies a flag tends to do the US flag

  26. I just moved to Chicago and I LOVE that this city has a flag!!! It’s so cool and not common in the States.

  27. I don’t think there is a city flag in my area.

    People fly flags with college sports teams on them.

  28. Maryland is everywhere hahaha, but smaller places like Eastport in Annapolis has their flag every where also. Which is the a really cool flag

  29. No, but I’ve thought about it. My small city recently got a newly designed flag, and it rocks.

  30. I own a St. Louis flag, but I don’t have any way to fly it outside at my current apartment. I also have state flags for Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Bayern. If you’re interested in flags, look up Milwaukee’s official and unofficial flags. I still need to buy one of those

  31. St Louis loves its city flag. A. Old city, lots of history. B. it’s an awesome looking flag. C. good representation of the city with the meeting of the rivers.

  32. I do not, not only because I live in a town called Cumming (yes you can laugh, we all do), but also because its absolutely hideous.

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