what’s the story of how you met your wife?

  1. The website ‘plenty of fish’ in 2006. As we chatted I discovered her last name was Hawk. By her name and picture, I thought she was Native Canadian. We agreed to a date. Now I joke that I was going to take her to Future Shop to use that sweet status card to get me a tax break on a new TV. Turns out it was her Ex’s last name. He was English, she was French, no status card…I married her anyway.

  2. I saw her on Tinder and thought “if nothing else, it will be a fun date.”

  3. We were casual friends in high school. We lost touch for a few years after graduation and then we randomly started talking again. Hung out a few times and it just happened. We’ve been together for 15 years.

  4. One night stand. Buddy invited her to a concert we were going to and I didn’t even hit on her, was just my normal goofy self. She told me she was moving across the country in a couple days, I thought she seemed really cool and worldly and smart. We hooked up but kept in touch, then after her move we were up talking til 2 AM every night, and I was kind of bummed she wasn’t sticking around. She decided to come back, new place wasn’t working out or so she told me, and we gave it a shot. 14 years this week.

  5. She was a friend of a friend who was invited to a group thing. It was love at first sight. I proposed after a few weeks.

    Celebrated our 20th anniversary this year.

  6. Husband rather than wife – he was a drunken hookup from the club and we kept talking. Moved in together after 6 months. Been together 16 years.

  7. Blind date.

    My sister and one of her friends were college friends with my wife.

    My sister called me and asked if I was interested. I dated a lot, so it didn’t bother me. I agreed. Called her. Set up the date.

    Best 1st date ever. Had a lot of fun. She was attractive. Great body. Held a conversation. A great sense of humor.

    We spent over four hours eating dinner. Some drinks. And just talking.

    We started dating after that. Just yesterday she asked if I was happy we met. After 30 years together, I told her she’s my everything and I could never imagine my life without her.

  8. I was standing in front of the Student Union building smoking a cigarette in January when this cute little blond girl in an adorable parka came up to me and with a thick accent she told me she knew me. She just started chatting me up and being an arrogant dumbass I was like “Yeah, of course you know me. Everyone knows me” because I was a columnist on the school paper with my own byline and was also in a semi-popular local punk band. It took me about 5 minutes of putting my foot in my mouth before my brain caught up with my mouth and I was all like “Oh yeah, now I remember. Yeah, we ride the bus together. So hey, what’s up”? I didn’t ride the bus with her.

    Anyway, I walked her to class and got her number. I was really busy with work and school and my band and writing so I didn’t call her for a few days. She didn’t like that. She expected me to call her that night. Honestly, I had never been pursued by anyone as hard as I was by her and despite my instincts telling me otherwise we got together. As for why my instincts told me not to get with her: I was 26 and she was 20. I grew up in the city we met and she had just moved to the US with her mom about 9 months earlier. She was a small-town Russian chick and I was a big city punk rocker. They say opposites attract but….come, on.

    We’ve been together for 23 years.

  9. she was peeping me in the bar and her (not hot) friend approached me and said her friend (there were 3 and only one was hot, so guess which one i thought she was referring to?) thought i was cute. when i realized it was the hot friend and not the not hot friend i grabbed her and never let go. that was 23 years ago.

  10. She was initially a one night stand that turned into a relationship few months later. I was 22 and she was 19 she came over to my house with some friends of mine. I had never met her before at this moment in time. We ended up drinking/ swimming all night. That lead to us hooking up. I didn’t see her for some time then I went to hang out with same group of friends at someone else’s place and we hooked up again. More time passed and we eventually started to hangout vs just hook up at parties. It’s been 12 years now and she still turns me on like crazy!

  11. I used a lariat and caught her at the local walmart.

    Actually, I’ll chime back in when I have one lol.

  12. I was at a friend’s birthday party standing at the bar with a few folks.

    This really beautiful woman walks in and starts dancing on the dancefloor. I recognize her from a few parties I’ve been too, but I’ve always been too intimidated to talk to her.

    We make eye-contact. She smiles at me and waves me over. I look side-to-side and mouth, “Me?”. She nods.

    I walk over, we hug, introduce ourselves, and start dancing. Electric.

    After 15-20 minutes, I told her I wanted to get to know her better and if she’d like to step outside to talk where it was quieter. We sat down across the street on a stoop as it drizzled around us.

    Later, all of us (wife, myself, and other members of the party) went to get pizza near her apartment and I asked for her number. We went on a date a week later.

  13. Met her at a party 15 years ago and we spent a couple evenings together. Became friends. I dated her sister for a few months. Then she got married and her husband wouldn’t let us be friends.

    Last year she found me on fb and we are now both in the best relationship either of us has ever known

  14. We worked in the same office, I thought she was hot, so started inviting her on gatherings with co-workers. It did not work out well.

  15. Blind date. We were set up by our respective managers who were married and thought we would hit it off. They were right

  16. She was a customer at the bar I was tending on a date and with some friends on their way to a beach party. 22 years together now…

  17. Was on an online dating service aimed at geekier people, and she messaged me. Talked a bit, met up for coffee, talked for hours until we noticed that we were definitely going to get parking tickets if we kept talking because we were both like two hours over. Made plans for another date very soon after, and another, etc.

  18. I was sitting in class in college and her and her friends came and sat by me. She got my number and asked me on a date.

  19. Tinder. 5 messages and number. Pizza, wine, guitar. Second date was rock crawling. Married in 1.5 years.

  20. eHarmony. I was living in her hometown and she was living close to mine. She eventually moved here, and we have a little one due in about a month.

  21. I knew her younger sister, who invited me to a Christmas party at their house. (I was 16). The older sister was a tiny, pretty little blonde……

    Met her there, but she started going out with another friend. Three months later she dumped him.

    We all hung out at a open house meant to keep we juvenile delinquents off the street. Myself and four or five of my friends were standing in a circle outside, smoking…….and she stepped out of the Hall. One of the guys pulled her into the circle (she was pretty, remember?) and we started pushing her guy to guy to guy……….around the circle. (we were 16, remember? lol) When she got to me, she threw her arms around my neck, and wouldn’t let go.

    Even I can take that hint!

    She was my first gf.

    That was in 1971.

    She is downstairs right now, drinking tea.

  22. Soon to be wife.

    Divorced from my ex wife… On great terms.
    After 9 months i decided it was time to put myself out there again and signed up for some dating apps.

    God damn brutal.
    Soul destroying as a guy.

    Was gonna give up and my best friend suggested Facebook dating .. That up until that time i didn’t even know existed.

    Spent a few weeks and a few fruitless conversations on there. One Sunday morning i decided to give it one last day…. Before heading out i swiped right on a lovely looking woman from my hometown.

    Fast forward to 9pm that night… She swiped right on me and messaged….

    4hrs of solid conversation followed. I could not have hand picked anyone who was more of a match for me.. In every way.

    I hit the absolute jackpot with her and still..2.5yrs later look at her and cannot believe it.

    We are happier than ever.. Just bought a house and are planning our wedding….

    I can’t believe it lol

  23. 25 years ago next month we were at welcome week as freshman in college. Bad Jimmy Buffett impersonator on the quad. She says she saw me and liked what she saw. Got excited that she went to high school with the guy sitting next to me (my new roommate). Introduced herself right away.

  24. when it happens I’ll let you know. I generally meet other guys wives at adult sex parties and websites devoted to cuckolding the hubbies.

  25. I was taking the train home on a summer day and she was running after my train in a mini skirt and it rode up to her ass and I can see the bottom of her pussy. With no place to sit, she stood infront of me and was about to pull her skirt down but I daringly held her arm and whispered to her to keep it like that. She takes the same train as me to work so we have seen each other and even did the nod to acnowlage our presence but never said a word before. She went with it and enjoyed the thrill of it. When we got off, she said she has always wanted to expose herself but was scared of trying.

    Since then she has been teasing men and became my wife as we have said hello after that enconter.

  26. Going to show my age here because this was before the internet and dating sites. Back then newspapers used to print contact adverts in a lonely hearts section. Or the “sad old gits” section as they called it on Bottom.

    People would place adverts about 20 words long and people would write a reply via PO Box address. You would get charged about £2-£3 to have your response forward. My wife placed an advert, I responded and the rest is history. We have been together over 30 years. Best £3 I ever spent.

  27. We worked in the same shipping department of a manufacturer/importer. We were both 17. Now 60 and have been married for 39 years

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