Hi, in advance sorry for my bad english is not my first language so i can make some mistakes here, i (23M) am in a serious relantionship with my gf (20F) for almost a year now. I feel very confused and want to breakup and need advice. Here is a short version of the story.

Me and my gf upon the begining of our relantionship agreed upon being a serious relantionship and long-lasting, it was her desire and mine too. We used to treat eachother with a lot of love and care, but problems sometimes emerged, some problems were like: i wanted a ring, to make a boyfriend/girlfriend proposal, it’s very common on my culture, and she wanted me to do it too, did the proposal, went great, felt so good for her and me, but the ring had some size problems for both of us, so i went and for 3 weeks straight went in all malls around town to find stores that could have the right size, just to give it to her and show how much love i have for her. She saw this, didn’t say a lot or apreciate it, but instead said SHE wanted now to do a proposal, that caught me of guard but i said okay, she half-assed planned, it went terrible, when i say that i mean it, she wanted us to use bracelets but it had size problems too, so she got frustaded and in the end of the date i was with her in a store watching her buy a shoe for herself just for her to feel better of the situation, and her proposal and the bracelet? It’s been 3 months that i’m waiting, talk to her about it just for her to say that she is going to leave it for the end of this month and i should be glad because she is doing it but has no obligation of doing it.
That was an example of her and some problems i’m facing, this is building up, i am a very comunicative person, she is not, i’m trying to talk to her but it always seems like i’m carring the relantionship alone.
The last straw was today, she made a little joke for me and said how much she loved me i said to her how much i loved her back, and that made her feel good, later on the same day i did a thing for her and said how much i loved her just to be ignored, and she just keept going about talking about herself and just didn’t say a word about my feelings too. I said to her “hey, aren’t you going to say anything back too? I did this for you too you know”, 1 day has passed and she just ignored me and it’s online on instagram and talking to friends while ignoring me saying that, and this always happens when i’am the one expressing feelings, she just ignores it again and again, trying to talk to know if she can stop ignoring it, but im being ignored again.

I need advice, i think you should solve comunicating, and i’m trying but i’m just being ignored again and again, Should i break up? I feel ready for it because i have self-respect, If not, what would you do in my shoes?

TLDR: Need advice on what to do, being ignored in a relantionship feels like shit and it honestly feels like you are better being alone or with friends than being alone but in a relantionship, i’m trying to solve with talking but or i solve by doing actions and ignoring her back witch i feel the anger to do so or i break up, or i hear some advice, help

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