What personal growth are you most proud of?

  1. i don’t put effort in with anybody anymore & that took A LOT for me to do. i have BPD and find it very difficult to detach myself from people, especially my closest friends. i’ve been very poorly since february and lost my grandmother at the end of january, and through all of that i realised who makes an effort with me and who doesn’t. i got fed up of not getting the same energy back so i don’t give anyone my energy anymore, if they want me, they can come and find me. i’m proud of myself.

  2. I’m pretty proud of my mental and physical health. I literally beat death and my own therapist complimented me today on my growth in therapy with regards to my body image.

  3. My mental health. 4 years ago around this time i got cheated on, dropped out of college, and had to go to a psych ward to get help for my depression and anxiety. Fast forward to now, I just graduated with my master’s degree and got a job in my field. Life got so much better I’m happy I’m still alive.

  4. I’ve learned to be more vulnerable and open up to people, and it has totally transformed my relationships!

  5. Managing my anger and eliminating toxic people from my life. And my sobriety, I’ve got 15 years in August.

  6. Keeping up with going to the gym and trying to establish discipline in that.

    I’m glitching out in therapy. But I think it’s part of the process. I am now emotional more triggered. But I think it’s getting to the root of my problems and learning how to heal

  7. My mental health. I’m still a work in progress, but last week I reinforced a boundary without apologizing or overthinking about letting down the other person! I held to my boundary. It’s a first. And I’m really proud of it

  8. i’m finally standing up to my unloving unsupportive mother when she tries to verbally beat me down. i still have a long road to haul but the first handful of very frightening steps have been taken and i feel that much stronger for it.

  9. Caring less about what people think and reducing the amount of time I spend worrying that someone is mad at me for something by about 90%. It’s so freeing.

  10. Spiritual growth, learning there was more to life than the mundane and mechanical rule I was taught and had ingrained in me by society.

  11. How much I am able to focus on uni. I had severe anxiety when it came to final exams etc. Which is why I would only take a few exams and postpone the rest. This has gotten better and I steadily increased the number of exams I was able to take and this semester I am actually doing double the amount from last semester.

    I am not far away from the finish line (my degree) and I found a better way to study and focus during exam season.

  12. I was in an abusive relationship, and I used to have these extreme violent blackouts of rage. It was just pure hatred and zero impulse control. I’d come back to surrounded by broken things, hair ripped out, scratches from breaking everything. It was bad. Really bad.

    I finally dragged myself out of that relationship, and I’m still healing, but those blackouts are completely gone. I haven’t had one in over 5 years. It feels very nice to be stable and have belongings I don’t smash like the hulk.

  13. When I was younger I had house. In my late teens and to mid twenties I was homeless. Now in my thirties, i found a home.

  14. I had a psychotic break last year in a major way. I behaved like an absolute mad woman and I was.

    The shame of it all I’m just now surfacing from the edge of my own extinction… I still have suicidal thoughts about it from time to time but it’s not as persistent these days

    Right now I’m picking up the pieces of my shattered mental health and making healthier choices for my whole self. It’s taken a lot just to get to this point but I’m thankful to myself for having enough grace to allow myself a little relief from my relentless bouts of depression.

    They’re really small things that I’ve changed too, inconsequential to most people… But they mean a lot to me. Like choosing to go cold turkey on not consuming soda. Waking up to a hot cup of tea in the morning to help sooth my nerves. Listening to more music (it was a trigger for me before and now I can enjoy it where before I’d dread it.) Moving more freely instead of being stuck in one spot for nearly the whole day (I’m not at a point yet where regular exercise is part of my daily practice but I want to build up to that.) I’m reading a book at the moment and intend to finish it, it used to be one of my favourite things and then it remained in the darkness until I opened a novel I could get really in the thick of. All of those things have contributed to my current state of mind, which Isn’t perfect but it’s at least improving.

    I’m glad I can feel proud of myself for my progress, it’s an almost foreign feeling but a welcomed one

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