Every Friday, just say whatever is in your mind in this post. It doesn’t need to be a question, and go on whatever tangent you want to go on.

We will still be enforcing our rules on gendered slurs, bigoted/disrespectful/hateful commentary, invalidation (if someone’s only contribution is telling others they are wrong), medical issues, and relationship advice. However the comments don’t need to be on a specific topic, and they don’t need to be open-ended questions.

\~The AskWomen Mod Team

  1. Just woke up to a pulled hamstring, can’t remember the last time that’s happened when I wasn’t a teenager or hungover. 😬 Also both Barbie and Oppenheimer were great, but if I had to pick one as my favorite I think it’d have to be Barbie for the overall message and vibe, though watching Oppy on film was quite a trip; I forgot just how “flickery” film looked when projected.

    DAZ PHOTO OF THE WEEK: [Caught in the act.](https://imgur.com/gallery/fXdROtU)

  2. Idk, ive been going through a lot recently and its been back to back.

    Last Monday i was assaulted and nearly stabbed. I got lucky he took one arm off me to grab his knife and was able to get away. On Saturday someone tried to break into my home. On Monday someone broke into my car shattering my window. On Tuesday someone went through my mail. Today some man saw me sitting on my break at work outside and watched me while he stopped his car in the middle of the road. When i got freaked out, he followed me back to my work and sat in the parking lot waiting.

    Anyway, ive really just been going through a lot and im struggling to keep my shit together. Im paranoid all the time. I cant sleep. If i do i wake up because of nightmares that someone is trying to kill me. If i see a man on the street when im walking from my car i start to panic. Im starting to become a misandrist. I cant stop thinking about that moment where he was reaching for his knife and thinking i was going to die in the street, in broad daylight, on one of the busiest roads in my area. I cant stop obsessing over the fact that i think i have a stalker or that so much shit has happened at once that I’ve become incredibly paranoid and unable to think clearly. All i can do is hide and I no longer know how to deal.

    To top it all off, my next door neighbors and the neighbor across the street are becoming openly homophobic. I walk outside my door and im called all kinds of slurs but their favorite is the F slur. Even their fucking children have taken to calling me slurs and are throwing shit in my yard. I wanna fucking cry.

    I moved here because it was supposed to be a safe haven for queer people but this is a fucking nightmare. I hate LA.

    Edit: I watched some guy stomp his girlfriend in the face on Wednesday while getting my car window fixed while a crowd of 15 grown ass men watch this woman get brutalized in the fucking street. Not one person helped and i could hear her cries from across the way

  3. Sometimes I wish the weather was a lot cooler in July where I’m at. I want to layer my clothes and this weather doesn’t help.

  4. I just started typing out a paragraph about a few different things I was struggling with and realized what I had to do to fix it, so thank you casual convo Friday, you were very helpful

  5. My new baby kitty has a cold and I’m freaking out. I recently lost two senior pets within 15 days of each other. This little guy is my new companion. He has an appointment in the morning at the vet I used to work at so I know they’re good and they’ve been my vets for over 20 yrs. They got him right in and he’ll get checked out tomorrow.

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