At what age did you experience your first heartbreak?

  1. I swear I was holding the helium balloon tightly, but it got away. And it just floated up into the sky. Out of reach. I was 4.

  2. 16. Was head over heels for my dream girl. She had some perv ass older boyfriend in another town. She told me going into summer break she wouldn’t be back next year. I cried like a baby in private. Tore me up for weeks. She shows back up at school next next year, single. I just couldn’t do

  3. i had thought it was when i was younger, but the one that happened at age 22 was my first REAL heartbreak…the kind where she rips your heart out and stomps on it a bit, and then fucks it with her new boyfriend’s dick.

  4. 27, a few months before my birthday. I’m 28 now and the 28th of July will be one year since the day she broke up with me for another dude.

    I’m still hurt by it. Watching someone you loved slowly fall into another mans arms and then treat all the time you had together (we were together for 4 years) like shit.

  5. 22 was one… I wanna say a few years later too… I had so many. Losing my daughter and losting my dad.

  6. 21. My fiancée left me, moved out and started another relationship within 2 weeks. After having planned a vacation with them I’m now there alone, and I don’t know what to do about it. Currently happening if you couldn’t tell lmao.

  7. I was 26. I found out that I was “the other woman” and I had no idea.

  8. 25. None of those old crushes compare to actually being emotionally used by someone who you have a connection with.

  9. 22, 8 year relationship and had just bought an engagement ring and had asked her father for permission to marry her(Like she wanted). Everything is going great and she breaks up with me on Valentines day over text. Still not sure what happened there. Then my dog passed away a week later. It has been a year.

  10. A couple with varying degrees that all felt significant at the time. 8 the girl didn’t like me anymore, 18 broke up with the high school girlfriend, 25 got cheated on.

    Everytime it felt like the first real one but somehow it was the same feeling as before.

    So if I were to pin it down on the “first” heartbreak id probably say 4 when I learned my older sibling was going to go to college and that life as I understood it would change significantly at some point. That’s what it all is, adapting to a new version of life as it happens.

    People ask questions when they’re going through it, so just remember that you had an entire life before them, and you’ll have an entire life without them. It’s ok to feel down for a bit but don’t get so caught up you miss out on the good stuff. Spend time with friends and family, love yourself.

  11. 18 years old. Found out being a boy you was a thing since that’s what I was to this girl.

  12. I think I was 14 and I said a girl was cute or something. She proceeded to laugh, tell all her friends, who then proceeded to mock me. Then got the rest of the class to jeer which then turned into the entire grade knowing about it and making my life a fucking hell.

    Then in college, there was a girl that I liked who told me I’m such a nice guy and would be perfect for anyone. Just not her. Then she proceeded to never talk to me, and was such a bitch afterwards despite having friendly conversation prior. Examples such as straight up ignoring me in the middle of a conversation, actively trying to get mutual friends to stop hanging out with me, talking shit behind my back. I stopped caring and she all of a sudden wants to hang out more. Continued to ignore her ass, best decision of my life. Now she’s divorced and always crying blues on Facebook.

    Stone cold heart since. Idgaf 🤷‍♂️ I’m looking out only for numero uno, me. And only care about my parents + brother.

  13. 14 for a gf and 15 for someone I really wanted but could not have. Sounds stupid, but it did set me up in a really good way

  14. I was 18, my first year in college (1988). I felt the need to see my girlfriend late at night. I climbed up the fire escape to her dorm room and waited until an hour when I didn’t think I would wake her up. (I had done this before once and she gladly welcomed me in.) She calmly informed me that, “The bed is already occupied.” and shut the window in my face. I dropped out of college for a year after that. We got back together when I returned and were on-again-off-again a few years after that.

    I have had a fear of life partnerships ever since. I haven’t had such a relationship last over a year since. I have led a mostly happy life filled with loved family and friends. I bear her no ill will. She had many wonderful qualities and it was not her intent to hurt me; she was just a deeply flawed person wrestling with her own demons.

  15. 21. I laugh about it now, but I really liked her back then. Didn’t have much experience with women back then, so all my emotions were amplified. We just didn’t click. I just graduated from college and she was going into her junior year. Different interests and different priorities.

  16. 4-6, lost our cat of 17 years, didn’t even know to be sad but everyone else was

  17. When I was like 11 I had this massive crush on a girl in my class. For Valentine’s Day I spent a dollar to send her a valentine that the school would send people. She received that shit in the same class that I was in and everyone around me was like “dude go for it”. I asked her out and she denied the fuck out of me. I don’t know if I can ever relive the amount of embarrassment I felt. Thankfully however, we became good friends a few years later after graduating and still communicate to this day!

    She definitely taught me a valuable lesson on that day however.

  18. My 7th Birthday. My Step-mother made me a German Chocolate cake for my birthday. She saw I was apprehensive, when she showed it to me. She asked what was wrong and I told her that I didn’t like coconut. At this, she through the cake on the counter and stormed off. 5 mins later, my Dad told me to get my stuff and that he was taking me home. Which he did, without a word for a 40 minute car ride, where I was made to sit in the backseat. He let me out of the car and left.
    Two weeks later, my Mom called him to see if I was being picked up. He said that I was no longer allowed at his house, because I hurt his wife’s feelings.
    In the next two years, my Grandmother would pick me up and take me to her house, where I’d never actually see my Dad. I didn’t see him, again, until after my 9th Birthday, when they seperated and ended up divorced.
    I don’t think, after that I ever fully trusted him, again. It was decades before it dawned on me, that whatever gifts had been bought that year, I never saw. And this occurrence set the tone for the rest of our relationship. He was a shitty Dad. When he died, we hadn’t spoken in 25 years and rarely lived more than 30 miles apart. Fuck him. I hope he suffered.

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