I’m in my 30’s and struggled with depression and anxiety since I was around 8. Stacked with introversion this crippled me socially. Only in the last month have I been attempting to get out more. I now go to family functions, go out with my mother and sister to just *do* something because I have no IRL friendships only online ones. I’m now also on Tinder and Bumble to just interact with others on chat until I can convince myself it’s safe to meet strangers.

I feel like I’ve stalled, and that I’m getting no where. It’s compounded into the fact that now I also am “old” and have zero future prospects – that I’m just going no where. I’ve still made no new ‘friends’ and met no one.

Am I just expecting too much too fast?

  1. Yeah, it can take way longer than a month to catch up to where you want to be.

    Just try to keep moving forward. Change is definitely possible, but it’s not always linear.

    Honestly, the thing that took me the longest was just to decide to work on myself. It sounds like you’ve started. So now progress can actually happen.

  2. Try MDMA, a study showed that it can reopen a critical period in your brain in social learning.

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