What movie used to scare you as a kid?

  1. There was this movie, I don’t remember the name, where this guy was able to see ghosts and he was exploiting them to male money of purifying homes from ghosts. It was all set up, untill one specific evil ghost was killing people. Put numbers on their foreheads and killed them. Or something like that. It’s been ages and it was short term fear anyway.

  2. My dad let me watch Arachnophobia when I was around five and it scared the shit out of me.

  3. The Wizard of Oz, the old original one. I had nightmares about those flying monkeys.

  4. The Mask.

    Not the whole movie, specifically the scene where the mask clings to Jim Carrey’s face for the first time.

  5. Nightmare On Elm Street remake. Haven’t seen it since I was a kid but I’ve seen movie clips of it and it doesn’t scare me as bad as it did as a kid. I might rewatch the entire movie sometime to see how scary it is as an adult. Lol.

  6. Stephen Kings It
    Jeepers Creepers
    Nightmare on Elm street (OG one)

    Horror movies where the antagonist feeds on your fear always scared me the worst since I could always picture my anxious, neurotic, and fearful self as a huge target for them.

  7. Poltergeist scared the shit out of me. I never looked at the “snow” on a TV the same ever again.

  8. Alien. The original. I was 9 when it came out but probably didn’t see it for another year or two, and still no other movie creeps me out like this one.

    The sequels have overexposed the creature and the design has been riffed on often since, but back then there was nothing like it.

  9. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang…… The creepy guy running around the streets kidnapping children.

  10. I used to be terrified of movies like Friday the 13th, nightmare on elm street, ect until I realized how stupid the people getting killed in the movies where

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