Have you ever moved for love? How did it turn out?

  1. Moved from Vancouver to Northern Alberta after my ex got a job offer here. Thinking about moving to Ontario once I can afford it.

  2. I’m in the process of moving for love right now, from Europe to the USA. So far everything is good.

  3. I got married, stayed married for 25 years and had 3 kids with him. Then he traded me in for a newer model…

  4. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, move across town to live with a guy I was dating, it was far enough to change a good amount of my life

    It was not worth it, he was a slob, he was gross, and he ended up cheating, was such a waste of money/time.

  5. No, but I’ve turned down a great opportunity to be with someone and I immensely regret it. Not gonna be getting such a chance again…

  6. I haven’t yet but I probably will in a year or two. My partner and I have been long distance for over 4 years, and we want to close the distance and move in together ; that will imply one of us moving continents for love

  7. Yes, I moved cross country after knowing him for a month (met in person) and we’ve been married for 3 years now. 🥰

  8. Moved from Europe to England for love, split up after 3 years, moved to Scotland, met my husband, happy ever after. The end.

  9. I would have moved to Texas for my husband when we were dating. He chose to move to Australia instead…
    And… well… we couldn’t be happier.

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