Im 24 years old, I’ve done fuck all with my life besides play video games and work for UPS.

I just left Seattle to go back home after I got shot down trying to buy a house, and I just want to have stories to tell.

Really i’m open for any job thats outdoor based; maintaning trails, Logging/Lumberjack, Construction. just anything that changes what I’m doing.

I’ve spent the last 4 hours in my moms basement trying to figure out how to go actually live.

All of the quick google searches ive taken for any jobs like this, have been based on working on a kitchen, fuck that, i’m strong and hardworking, how do I go about finding these beautiful jobs in beautiful places. I want stories to tell half as cool as my father.

  1. Maybe just move up there in general, once you’re there ask locals if they know how to get involved.

    There are probably also government sites for government jobs if you’re thinking about like a game warden or similar type job.

    Heck, maybe even join the Military and ask about being stationed in the north. Serve your term and settle locally.

  2. When I was still a teen, I went where I wanted to be, the San Francisco Bay area, and looked for work. I had to live in a homeless shelter until I found something good, and that’s another story my grown sons like to hear. Figure out where you want to work this dream outdoor job, and go there.

  3. Look up the U.S. government jobs website. I think I remember seeing a job where they basically drop you in the wilderness with a bunch of other people to essentially clear the hiking trails with machetes and shit.

  4. By looking. Most of the really cool jobs are public sector, so start there.

    Most of the dorks on Reddit are perfect examples of what happens when you pick a job that’s convenient to get to then stay in it for the rest of your life.

  5. *”How do I get one of the cool jobs our parents had in the 1960’s, where they would go work as a logger in Alaska, or building houses in the northern terrorities, or just experiencing the world?”*

    1. Military

    2. Government jobs.

  6. WWOOFing (WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms). You work on organic farms in exchange for room and board. You can go almost anywhere in the world! And there’s no work contract so it’s flexible to extend your stay or cut it short. Lots of places will teach you construction, livestock handling, homesteading skills, etc

  7. If you want to go to Alaska look at the canneries. You can apply online, they’ll pay for almost everything for you to get there/while there and fly you home . Don’t even need experience, they’ll teach you. You don’t have to worry about much. They’ll feed you 3 meals a day, put you up in a bunk house, close enough to walk or they’ll pick you, etc. Fair warning though we aren’t talking a 9-5. We’re talking 16 hour cold, wet, fish smelling, hard work days. You’re pulling 8-$10k a month tho for couple months with barely any expenses.

  8. Trade schools, mostly. Some fields require very specialized training or degrees, but if you go to a trade school it’s basically a direct path to whatever it is you’re going after.

  9. Get a two year working tourist visa for Canada. They have them for young people. There are plenty of jobs like that.

  10. Sounds like you should go to Alaska or the Northern Territories according to your question.

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