Which country would you consider a potential ally and a current ally that is actually a traitor?

  1. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have betrayed us multiple times

    Despite receiving billions in aid or military protection/assistance

  2. Potential ally: a lot of the countries that are currently being pressured by China. Outside of the major players out there, I don’t know the geeopolitics well enough to give a specific example of someone who isn’t our biggest fan that we might make an ally.

    Current allies that aren’t really allies: Saudi Arabia and Turkey. They are frenemies at best. We only tolerate them because of strategic value and in the case of Turkey because they’re in NATO.

  3. What? Like what current Allies are actually traitors or which of the typical bad guys are potential Allies? What are you asking?

  4. So, current “ally” — Saudi Arabia, although this is ending now and the Kingdom is going towards Russia/Iran/China, which is just sensible. It’s a realpolitik backstop to the green transition — “We wanna go BAACCCKK, screw you green eggheads”, “well the Saudis hate us now, so you can’t go back; onwards to the ecoindustrial futurism!”, “ooh, fuck”.

    A country I think of as a potential ally is Mongolia.

  5. The concept of “traitor” in geopolitics is interesting. My cynical approach is that all nations always act out of self-interest, so our goal as a nation should make it that “betraying” us is the less profitable option.

  6. Interesting question.

    After going to the Ask an Australian sub, I definitely view Australians as less friendly to America than I used to. Which is a bit unfortunate as I used to think of us as countries with many things in common, and I feel most Americans view Australians very positively.

    As for potential ally, I feel like overall I don’t hear much about USA/South American relations. For example, I’d be interested in learning more about US relations with places like Argentina and Chile. They are both countries that intrigue me.

  7. SAU seems like a prime candidate to have makeup sex with while still being the Dom.

    Rebel Scum? Hmmm. The only legit one I can think of is Texas.

  8. I don’t believe in allies, only mutual interests. I think in geopolitics, traitor implies that one had an obligation of loyalty that just doesn’t exist between states.

  9. Anyone in a part of BRICS(Not we were best friends with a number of them) or who wants to join it.

  10. Potential Ally: Vietnam. But, take all “allies” with a grain of salt. To paraphrase Lord Palmerston, there are no eternal allies and no perpetual enemies, just perpetual interests. America has no allies.

    Country that bills itself an ally but is actually a traitor: FRANCE. Just look at anything Macron and his cronies do for proof. Though none of the European countries can be trusted, tbh. None.

  11. Potential allies: India, Mexico, and Vietnam

    Potential traitors: Pakistan, and most Persian gulf oil monarchies (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, etc)

  12. Idk why we support Saudi Arabia, most of the dudes that did 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia…and we still kiss their asses

  13. Israel is not our ally. We are their enablers. We give them more aid than any other country and they do whatever they want and thumb their nose at the US when it interests them.

    And then both parties line up to suck their dicks in the halls of Congress.

  14. Saudi Arabia and Turkey have been shitty allies and their governments seem to directly oppose the values of the American people (such as democracy)

  15. So everyone you would consider a potential ally is allied to the US on some level.

    So I’d say

    -India has the potential to be a stronger ally. Geopolitically they are at the nexus of a lot of trade routes as well as being the best bullwork against a fading China trying to lash out as it sees the crest of its power in the next century.

    But India likes to do it’s own thing for the most part.

    As far as bad allies

    – Pakistan is the obvious answer – It’s such a complex relationship. We need to be allied because we’d rather WW3 not start in Pakistan but at the same time, we have no real economic or cultural connection to Pakistan. We’re both trying to avoid the same worst case scenario, but we have entirely different views of the best case scenario. It might be more accurate to say that we bribe them to pretend to be neutral.

  16. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan are have betrayed us multiple times. Vietnam is a potential ally now that China is trying to flex their muscles

  17. Potential ally: Vietnam – have an interest in countering China, have a decent fit for following SKorea, Japan and Taiwan as real Asian Tigers, and seem to basically like the US.

    Current really bad allies: Turkey and Saudi Arabia, in my view. I don’t consider Pakistan to be an ally anymore at all.

  18. Fake / bad allies:

    – Saudi Arabia
    – Turkey

    Countries that I see potential strong alliances with in the future

    – Iran: the fall of their current regime could result in a golden age for the Middle East

    – Armenia: this one is attached to the last one since a new alliance with Iran would weaken our need to rely on Turkey. We should support democracies under siege by dictatorships

    – Taiwan: I want to see a more robust commitment to their security

    – Ghana: the tech leader in Africa committed to social progress and innovation could become an example for the continent via a stronger partnership with America

    – Mexico: this country is the key to breaking our reliance on the Chinese labor market – stable careers at factories could also help diminish the cartels appeal by making them no longer be the best paying employer

    – Vietnam: they could become a crucial partner against China.

  19. Many Eastern European countries seem to be really fond of us. I trust them to be loyal friends. Australians seem to have a lot of blind disdain for Americans based on things they’ve seen on tv.

  20. israel is a traitor ally for the sole reason that they attacked a us boat on purpose for no reason

  21. The fact that we aren’t military allies with Mexico is baffling.

    The Saudis are allies in name only. Fuck em.

  22. I don’t consider my government’s allies and enemies to automatically be my allies or enemies. I’m less likely to view states as allies and more likely to view social movements around the world as allies. So, I’d consider the Russian anti-war movement, the Burma/Myanmar anti-dictatorship movement, the Chinese and Russian and Spanish and Argentinian labor movements all as allies to people in my community.

  23. Potential ally: Armenia. We’re already starting to try and pry them out of Russia’s sphere, and the longer Russia ignores the job it gave itself as mediator and peacekeeper of the Karabakh border, the more likely we are to succeed.

    Backstabbing ally: Hungary. We’re having to *make* them go along with sanctions, and at one point we were sanctioning them semi-directly by going after a Soviet-era multinational bank that they were still in with Russia, which they only left after we made it clear that they’d be losing money if they stayed. I’d genuinely call them less reliable than Turkey-Erdogan was at least able to finesse a year of that grain deal, and if it ever comes back it’ll probably be his doing too.

  24. The US has a lot of “allies” that seem to do nothing but take from it. We have a lot of military allies that don’t have a military and a lot of economic allies that dump product into our markets. Germany comes to mind.

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