As in the one we benefit the most from having.

  1. Probably Canada.

    I mean, if we had to guard the border, it would be spectacularly expensive.

  2. By default, Canada.

    We’re protected by two oceans and a landmass the size of an ocean with a polar ice cap on the other side. Because Canada is that landmass, it’s more valuable than any single country.

    That’s not to say that Canada contributes what it should to NATO or even proportionally reciprocates what we provide them.

  3. I am going to make the argument for the United Kingdom.

    Since World War I the British have fought with us in every major war with the exception of Vietnam. They still have one of the largest Navies in the world and boast a global network of Bases that allows them to effectively fight around the world with us.

    The British are one of the few NATO countries that meets the 2% of GDP spending on Defence quota and they have a large and productive defense industry with BAE systems being one of the pre-eminent manufactures of military hardware.

    The British had our backs in Korea, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and continue to support American foreign policy and Ukraine and elsewhere.

  4. Canada or the UK.

    Canada for economic and geographical advantages.

    UK for the military and geopolitical advantages.

    Our three countries have collaborated on more together than any 3 countries in history probably.

  5. Japan is a very good ally. They have a solid military and they build factories in America. They even pay the US for its military protection. They also happen to be very strategically located. Love Japan. Wish we had more like them.

    Mexico is also a very good ally. Our economies are symbiotically intertwined.

    Germany is kind of a crappy ally. They don’t have a military and they product dump into our market. I don’t understand what we get from our alliance with them.

    China, of course, was a terrible ally. Product dumped and stole our IP like nobody ever and were plotting to turn on us the whole time.

  6. Any of the Anglosphere nations. Culturally similar and we all have vested in many of the same geopolitical goals with New Zealand being the only major exception.

    Outside of that, Japan or South Korea. The tensions with China are heightening further and as China continues to press its forces closer and closer to Taiwan cooperation with the Japanese and Koreans become ever more important. It also helps that the Japanese and Koreans generally have high opinions of Americans and most of them support our military alliances and understand we have a common goal in deterring China and to a lesser extent North Korea. That factor of approving of Americans alone, in my books at least, puts them leagues above any of our European allies in terms of importance since with the exception of the UK.

    Honourable mentions would be the Philippines but their new President is currently making that a bit hard. Israel but…there’s some controversy they’re in. Taiwan for obvious reasons.

    The only dishonourable mention I can think of is Saudi Arabia. We rely on them heavily for natural resources and despite being at odds in nearly every way the two countries do maintain close relations because of it.

    Up and coming allies I think we need to pay more attention to are Vietnam and potentially India. Vietnam has had major issues with China for years and China has even shot at Vietnamese sailors. Despite the war Vietnam also boasts a 90% approval rating of Americans so the potential for increased cooperation is there. India has a literal border war going on with China right now and if the Indian government would drop its nationalism and extensive pride there’s a lot of potential for a military alliance that would benefit both nations.

  7. The UK pretty much always has our back. We get along really well on an international level

    Honorable mention to Japan is a great ally for us for Asia both in alliance and trade.

    As others have said though the obvious anwser is Canada. With them being our neighbors and us having a very close relationship. They are basically are brothers were pretty ride or die with the Canadians we would have their back in any situation.

  8. A lot of folks are saying Canada, but I’d have to say Australia is a strong contender.

  9. NATO. Hands down. Easy. No, it’s not one country (as I think you were looking for), but that’s the entire point of NATO. Thank you, President Biden, for not only rebuilding it, strengthening, and improving it, but expanding it with new members who we never thought would join.

  10. Putin. His invasion unified NATO after Russian asset trump was working towards shutting it down

  11. Mexico. They are the principle buyer of our agricultural products and they are quickly becoming a manufacturing power.

  12. Japan, India, and Australia

    Japan’s raw economic and cultural might is straight up impressive, India’s a super important tie in the coming decades as they develop, and Australia has practically every strategic resource (rare earth metals, lithium, uranium, etc.) one could possibly need.

  13. Surprised how few people have said the UK. Albeit Canada, Japan, Australia and the few others I’ve seen mentioned are likewise outstanding allies.

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