Pretty broad question. Do you think that you have seen one? Do you believe that there’s aliens in Area 51? Is it a load of nonsense? etc.

  1. I don’t think aliens from another planet have ever visited earth. I have doubts if that type of space travel is even possible.

  2. I find the topic kind of amusing in the way that things like poltergeists and the lochness monster are amusing. To me, they’re just a bit of kooky fun.

    I don’t take them seriously and I don’t believe that aliens are visiting Earth or anything like that. I find it embarassing when US officials entertain laughable UFO conspiracy theories promoted by people such as David Grusch.

  3. I don’t believe we have been visited, however the UFO talks in congress have me questioning that.

    Not enough for me to be a believer tho

    Let’s hope aliens aren’t a predator species and a herbivore species, because if they aren’t we are royally fucked

  4. I think it is somewhat naive to pretend that we are the only intelligent life in this vast universe.

    That does not necessarily mean that we have been visited.

  5. I’m not sure we would recognize life even if it exists, because the concept of life might not be congruent with what we think of as life or intelligence.

    It might not be carbon-based or have any sort of physiology that we would understand. I think it is pretty arrogant to assume that if life has occurred elsewhere, it would be anything like us.

    It’s possible of course, but I have not seen convincing evidence as of yet.

  6. Do I think I have seen a UFO? Sure. By definition it is an unidentified flying object. It’s doesn’t have to be something from off planet. Do I think these _were_ from off planet? No. Not in the slightest. Do I think the US Government and other governments study “UFOs”? Yes, but they terrestrials made, not extraterrestrial.

    This isn’t to say that I do or don’t believe in extraterrestrial life, it is just that I think the chances that we’ve been visited are incredibly remote. Near zero.

  7. I watched the UFO hearing in Congress the other day.

    Would highly recommend watching it, it’s actually quite compelling to listen to.

    I don’t think the pilots testifying are lying. They saw something, and plenty of other witnesses can corroborate it. Now, WHAT they encountered is the real question. And our intelligence department seems to want to keep (whatever it is) under wraps by any means necessary.

  8. They expect us to believe that alien life came to Earth, conveniently landed in the US and encountered the government first every time, and were captured by a technologically inferior species? I don’t buy it for a second.

  9. I think the universe is large enough to contain other intelligent life. I don’t believe there were ever any “aliens” at Roswell or Area 51. I find the history of Project Blue Book fascinating, without actually believing in alien spacecraft visiting.

    Also… people sometimes see objects flying that they couldn’t identify, at the time, but whichlater had rational explanations- is that “Seeing a UFO”?

  10. I’ve always been skeptical. I’ve long believed that UFOs are aircraft being tested by the military in secret. Wednesday has me doubting that.

    I discussed the Congressional hearing with a good friend of mine, himself a San Diego Navy pilot, who happened to know David Fravor in the 00s. He described him as a rational guy who is very observant and trustworthy. Based on that, I do believe the testimony he and the 2 others gave are true, and I trust their conclusions based on their judgment.

    It should also be noted that Representatives Gaetz and Ocasio-Cortez were both privy to the vetting process of the whistleblowers, and both were convinced of their credibility. Those 2 never agree on ANYTHING.

    So yeah, now I think there’s something to it

  11. Assuming you mean little green men type UFO rather than more mundane things like sprites or strange but earthly objects. My family has a bit of a history with them. Have seen several personally including a pitch black grass seed shaped one (like foxtail seeds, no it wasn’t an F-117) that stayed in the exact same spot relative to a plane I was on for several hours. Plane banked a little this thing acted like there was an unbending pole between the wingtip and it. Far as I could tell it never changed position relative to the plane until it actually left. Also several balls of light that did some very strange things in clear skies while in Northeast Oregon. They were fluttering around at high altitude. Would have mistaken them for satellites if they didn’t wobble and weave as they went. Don’t think they were drones simply due to how quickly they crossed the entire horizon including occasionally disappearing behind mountains. If it was drones it would have to have been really elaborate and the illusion would break the second you see it from a different enough angle.

    I 100% believe there is alien life out there and some of it is intelligent. I’m pretty sure we’ve been visited by a very tiny portion of that intelligent life and they occasionally examine people much like we might examine a lost tribe or a new species. Have no clue if the government really does have alien tech or has ever had a real one in their custody, live or dead. Don’t know if they’ve ever officially made contact either.

    Area 51 is probably a distraction these days. It’s there to be mysterious and catch prying eyes that could be instead looking at what are currently more important sites and projects. Lot harder to do secret crap like testing the next big advancements in military aircraft when every conspiracy theorist in the country makes regular pilgrimages to look through consumer telescopes and record video from the closest legal vantage points. Area 51 was and to some degree probably still is a testing site for advanced aircraft related technology. Doubt the next big reveal like NGAD or Aurora are flying out of there because of constant prying eyes.

  12. I’ve seen things i can’t identify but that doesn’t mean aliens. I don’t feel strongly one way or the other.

  13. There’s a clip on YouTube of fighter pilots struggling to identify a weather balloon as they fly in circles around it. I don’t think fighter pilots are stupid, and I think fighter planes have fairly advanced technology for finding and identifying stuff flying around in the sky, and they struggled with a weather balloon.

    Unless there’s been some new scientific research suggesting that traveling through space across galaxies is a realistic possibility I’m not going to put a lot of faith in stories of little green men visiting here and flying around.

  14. I’ve seen one. The way it moved and the speed with which it accelerated, decelerated and changed direction, it was not a human-made aircraft *of a type that is publicly known*.

    I don’t have any opinions about what it was, alien or extradimensional vehicle, natural phenomenon not understood yet, or what have you… My only opinion is that it was not a conventional aircraft or a familiar weather phenomenon, and therefore qualifies for the U in UFO.

    Nor do I have an opinon about what our government knows or doesn’t know about things like this. They could be chatting with an ET in a secret bunker right now, or maybe they are just exploiting a mystery and allowing conspiracy theories to circulate, even stirring them up, so one day if they need to, they can use this as disinformation against an enemy or maybe to distract from something real that they want to keep secret. I could imagine a dozen uses for such disinformation. They could be allowing the public to think they know more than they know merely to make us feel safer, merely to cover up their own cluelessness. Make us feel safer, thinking that whatever it is, at least they’ve got a handle on it. Who the fuck knows with these people. Give people the discretion to keep secrets and do shit off the books without oversight and anything can happen. It could all just be a fucking scam, with so few people read in on the operations that top officials have to assign someone like the latest whistleblower to assess how many operations are actually in motion regarding this shit, it could just be a good old fashioned bamboozle to siphon money off Uncle Sucker into their own pockets or to fund something they wouldn’t get congressional approval for, like Iran-Contra. Goddamn take your pick.

  15. I believe *most* of that shit, I love it.

    I have a deep distrust of our government, and I wholeheartedly believe that if they did have UFO’s and alien corpses to go with them, they’d never tell us no matter how many committees or hearings were had.

    Also I’m pretty convinced that they do have some alien stuff, and I’m pretty convinced aliens do visit earth in some regard. No one is gonna convince me otherwise!

  16. There must surely be life, maybe even intelligent life, elsewhere.

    But it is **NOT** joyriding around our planet, nor is it making crop circles, nor is it mutilating cattle, nor is it giving out free, impromptu proctological examinations.

  17. I’m open to the idea that life exists outside our planet, maybe even within parts of our own solar system. It seems almost inevitable with how vast the solar system is.

    That being said I’m highly skeptical of the idea that advanced alien forms of life have actually visited our planet and have interacted with the US government without anyone else detecting it or actual evidence being leaked. I haven’t seen any evidence at all of this despite the testimony at this weeks hearing.

  18. I’m not sure what to make of the recent Congressional testimony, but I’m open to wherever it leads. The universe is unfathomably huge. To assume that we are the only intelligent life form in it seems incredibly naive.

  19. That hearing about the UFOs was a distraction.

    >Do you think that you have seen one?


    > Do you believe that there’s aliens in Area 51?


    >Is it a load of nonsense? etc.

    It’s a smoke screen that conveniently covers government activity.

  20. I know I’ve seen a few.

    No idea what they were or where they were from.

    No idea about all the other stuff.

  21. The recent Congressional hearing feels weird to me, like it came at a weird time. So, I have been theorizing about some alternative motives, though I wouldn’t say I completely believe any of them. Though, it being solely legit feels unlikely to me. We have been seeing alien stuff for ages, so the government covering their asses from a mistake feels unlikely.

    1. It’s Legit
    * The UFO to UAP switch felt like it was to distract away, why would attention be drawn back?
    * Seemed like honest guys
    * It could be legit, and also the other theories.

    2. Pro Military
    * “Oh no! (Aliens/Foreign Power) have super advanced tech. We need to (Rally Against/Get More Funding) so we can keep up with this critical threat.

    3. Pro Nationalism
    * Idk why, but my first thought when hearing about all this was that it feels weirdly like 9/11 in vibes alone. Like this was a filed attempt to get people riled up and passionate idk.

    4. Distraction
    * Away from Politics probably, if not someone with power just did something shitty.
    * 2024 Election is Coming Up.

    5. Publicity Stunt for the Twitter to X rebrand
    * I wouldn’t be surprised anymore smh
    *It’s fucking Elon Musk we are talking about
    *Lacks timing

  22. I believe that most UFO sightings are super-secret, high-tech military projects. People thought the SR-71 and F-117 were UFOs until the government unveiled them publicly. Who knows what crazy things the government is working on out there, but I highly doubt that it’s aliens.

  23. I did not believe in UFOs until a few years ago when the tic tac video came out. Now I follow the topic pretty closely. I dont get too much into specifics because very specific info is didficult to corroborate.

    The topic in general is worth looking into because:

    It is unlikely to be experimental aircraft, they have dedicated airspace for that.

    It is unlikely to be Russia or China because the same descriptions that Graves and Fravor have given show up in testimony going all the way back to the 50s. They might have something like that now, but certainly not since the 50s.

    Declassified documents from the fall of the Soviet Union showed that the Soviet government took the UFO topic very seriously and had their own security concerns because of it.

    Scientists literally just doubled their estimate for the age of the universe. It is very possible that there are civilizations waaaaayyyyy older than us. What seems impossible to us may be fairly simple to a civilization just a thousand years ahead. What about a million?

    As for the hearing:

    Grusch is a very credible and decorated individual with multiple high ranking military individuals vouching for him and he can have very serious legal consequences if he is lying. There was also no buildup or advertisement for when he was going to blow the whistle. He kind of came out of nowhere.

    Grusch is making criminal accusations and is taking actual legal action through the ICIG

    Fravor and Graves are very credible and I believe they have enough experience in the air to know what they saw with high certainty.

    This is the first hearing I’ve seen where congress people weren’t playing politics. I’ve never seen them behave so professionally with each other in public. That tells me there is something serious to this.

    For all the “I can’t tell you that in a public setting” answers that are understandably frustrating. The things Grusch did not know or knew as a no, he said as such. The things he has info on that he can at least give to Congress, he said he can and will give in the proper setting. So there is enough there to read between the lines a bit and understand that there is much more to the story that deserves investigation.

    I’ve become pretty passionate about the topic because I’m a nerd and I just like to study things. But it does represent a more pressing concern in our government if there are powerful factions within the military that think they are the real ones in power and that is very concerning from a very real world perspective. Historicallyhere has been a trend for that line of thinking going all the way back to the Manhattan Project in the 40s.

  24. I don’t put it past the government to hide them from us, but honestly I don’t much care. As long as they are non-interventionist anyways, my life wouldn’t change either way, so I really don’t care to know either way.

    That said, I would need more proof to actually affirmatively believe that aliens are real.

  25. Honestly, I’m open to the possibility of extraterrestrials visiting. I haven’t watched the Congressional testimony so I don’t know the claims made there. Personally, I think there is a higher likelihood that there could be an undiscovered underwater race that originated on Earth as opposed to creatures visiting us from the vast expanse of space. The ocean makes up 70 percent of the earth’s surface and is insanely unexplored. We still find new discoveries on land and buried in the ground. Can’t even imagine what else we don’t know about in the ocean.

  26. There is no reason there couldn’t be intelligent life and no reason their could. But Area 51 is a folktale.

    There is a real Area 51 by the way. It is almost as interesting; it was used to research bleeding edge military and intelligence technology and maybe still is.

  27. I have personally never seen a UFO. My uncle has though, several times. He was a navy fighter pilot, then an astronaut and has been on the international space station 3 times. So yeah I not only believe in UFOs, but I believe they have been here for a while and are actively monitoring us

  28. Intelligent life existing somewhere else is almost a statistical certainty, but I feel the odds that we’ve been visited by any are pretty low. There’s never been any conclusive evidence and that seems strange if it’s actually happening.

    With regards to the recent hearing, I don’t actually think the witnesses are lying, but I am skeptical that they saw *aliens*. I do think we need better answers and more transparency. The hardest thing for me to believe is that the government could keep that kind of secret for an extended period of time.

  29. There are obviously flying objects which are unidentified.

    As for those being spaceships from intellegent life, I doubt it. That’s a theory heavily influenced by modern culture. If we didn’t have all these movies, videogames, books, shows, etc. about aliens and other planets and universes, a lot less people would list aliens as the their theory to explain UFOs.

    As for aliens in area 51. No. Not a thing, even if you take some people’s idea that there is a bunch of intellegent life in the universe, by their own model, the chance would be astronomically low we would have them in area 51.

    As for aliens in general, obviously we don’t know, but this is one of those things that I will just not believe unless proven.

  30. I think they’re gross and barf every time I think of aliens (I am barfing as I type this)

  31. Very simple: I will continue to believe nothing of that sort exists, until and unless a strong evidence against this is presented, which is consistent with logic and has a scientific basis.

  32. I do not believe that there are aliens that have visited Earth. I have no doubt whatsoever that, elsewhere in the galaxy, life exists. But they haven’t been to Earth.

    Consider these things:

    1. Humanity has only been broadcasting signals (evidence of intelligent life) for 100 years roughly. So, only star systems within 100 light years of Earth could have ever received signals to know that we are here. That is an incredibly miniscule portion of the galaxy. So the chance of such an advanced species being so close by is very small. Also, aliens would have had to be in a star system close enough to both receive the messages and then also travel here, which reduces the realistic range further and reduces the likelihood of a visit.
    2. Alien life would have had to come into existence much earlier than humanity to develop the technology to be able to travel to Earth. This relies on an assumption that, on the galactic stage, we are latecomers and primitive, and its just as likely that we are early bloomers and advanced. Astrophysicist have devised models for the development of intelligent life and its very possible that we are one of the first to appear in the galaxy. Even if others have developed before us they may not be able to travel to us yet. The technology required for easy interstellar travel is not only scientifically difficult, but economically/resourcing difficult as well. Imagine if we started hearing primitive radio broadcasts from 200 light years away. All we could do is listen and maybe respond. Its likely that the inverse may be true. It may be more likely that we get a 1940s style radio broadcast saying, “is anyone out there?” from a star system some hundreds of lightyears away rather than a stealth advanced spaceship hiding in the clouds.
    3. There are hundreds of multispectral imaging satellites in orbit, thousands of aircraft with advanced sensor payloads, 24/7 overlapping fields of radar and sensor scans, and nearly every human on the planet has a high-definition camera on them at all times. The fact that the best evidence there is for aliens is blurry videos of “something” begs two questions.
    1. Why don’t we have better evidence of aliens?
    2. Why would an advanced alien species, capable of interstellar travel, be ignorant enough to fly in and around the most technologically advanced nations on the planet? They obviously would be able to detect our aircraft and sensors, so why would they foolishly fly by in front of an aircraft carrier battlegroup, of float under a drone with an HD electro-optical camera? Either they are trying to avoid detection, or they aren’t. If they aren’t then we would see much more of them. If they are avoiding detection, then I’d doubt they’d be so foolish to do joy rides around some of our most advanced detection capabilities.

    I think for most people, the desire for aliens to be among us outweighs the evidence by a lot.

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