Married men who cheated, how do you live your self?

  1. Pretty great. My wife just makes sure I’m not the banker when we play Monopoly, so I’m not tempted again.

  2. I haven’t cheated but I wonder if I got to that point whether it’d be worse to go attempt a clandestine affair or just launch a surprise divorce. I know I certainly would prefer my wife go for the affair, but then again I would prefer sexual non-exclusivity in general, so my logic probably doesn’t apply the same to others.

  3. The cheaters, male or female, often aren’t nearly as distraught as their partners.

    Anyone who cheats will always have some rationalization that makes them okay with the decision. This goes for men and women. Nobody thinks “I’m going to be a shitty person today and betray the love of my life.” This is how humans generally make any bad decision.

    More specifically, the most common rationalization usually involves negative emotions that are pinned on the partner:

    “They don’t pay enough attention to me.”

    “They never touch me anymore.”

    “They just spend all their time watching porn and masturbating.”

    “They were flirting with the barista a little too much.”

    “I need more excitement in my life.”

    “Banging this random person will actually make my relationship better.”


    Some people are obviously more willing to cheat than others. If people have cheated in the past, it dramatically increases the chances they’ll cheat again. People who seek risk (what psychologists call “high sensation seekers) are more likely to cheat. Narcissist personalities are more likely to cheat. People with low impulse control and are bad at delaying gratification are more likely to cheat.

    Interestingly, variables like education, attachment style, or sex (women cheat almost as often as men) aren’t good predictors. Even satisfaction with the relationship in general and sex in particular turn out to be really poor predictors of infidelity.

  4. It made me realize it was time for divorce, as I didn’t feel bad about it after 9 years with someone who didn’t seem to ever give one single shit about me. So I didn’t lose a minute of sleep over it. She would walk all over any boundary I had and never cared if I brought up how I felt about things she was doing, so why would I care? I filed for divorce that week and happily moved on with my life.

  5. Lots of married men cheat on boring wives, they find happiness in their new relationships. Lots of them don’t see it as cheating if they’ve left you for the other person they just see it as being with who they loved more and are fine with it. Women need to take care of good men better but they don’t like to hear that and inevitably become Karen’s

  6. 20% of men and women are inclined to cheat. It is a statistical reality. The one thing I know is that women find it easier to do than men.

  7. Never cheated, but i’d live the same way I always do. Eat, sleep, shower, work, repeat.

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